Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Freedom's Cost

I hate to admit it, but I didn't have a great love for history growing up. However, the older I get, the more passionate I become about the things of the past. I love watching the The History Channel, when I can. Their war documentaries are fascinating. They not only show you pictures and videos from the different wars we've participated in, but they show you interviews with the soldiers that actually fought in those battles.

Sometimes though, it's hard to watch. To the people being interviewed, these war stories are not just stories, they are reality. Tears are often shed, and you can see in their eyes the horror of their participation in the conflict. That's when the history comes alive...when you realize that war really did cost someone something. To those of us who've never fought in a war, we don't recognize the price as much. But to those who fought to secure our freedom, the cost was great. It's a price they'll always remember, no matter how hard they try to forget.

You and I are beneficiaries at their expense. We have freedoms that so many people in the rest of the world only dream about and will never receive, simply because there were a few men and women who believed in freedom for all. So to those brave soldiers and their families, I say, "Thank you for paying the cost for MY freedom. I will not forget."

And to the One who paid the ultimate price for MY freedom - to the One who became sin for me - who took the stripes that I was meant to bear - who took the weight of the sin of the world on his shoulders - to Him who writhed in pain over my well-being - to the One who truly paid it all at great cost, without cost to me - to Him I say, "Thank You for paying the price for my freedom. I will not forget."

Dearest Jesus, thank You for redeeming me. Thank You for giving me the opportunity and the privilege of living a life of freedom - a life that some people only dream about. As we remember the price that was paid for our American freedom, let us not forget to remember the price You paid for our ultimate freedom. Praise You, Jesus. I praise You.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My A-ha Moment with God

Uneasy. That's the word I'll use to describe the week before my surgery. I couldn't shake the feeling, no matter how hard I tried.

We'd gone to the beach a few days before the screws and plate in my knee were to be removed, and I was hoping I'd find some peace there - that I'd have an "A-ha" moment with the Lord.

We swam in the pool, fought the ocean waves, fished off the pier, and ate out. It was a wonderful getaway, but my mind constantly kept reverting back to the surgery and the sense of dread that I felt.

I trusted God. I truly believed He could work all things together for good. I just couldn't seem to "feel" it.

Yet God, being patient with me as usual, met me the last morning of our trip. My very perceptive husband knew I needed some time away, so he suggested I go for a walk on the beach before the kids got up. I gladly took him up on the offer. I slipped on my flip-flops and quietly headed out the door, talking to God as I went.

I stepped down off the deck, onto the beach and automatically began to scan the surface of the sand for treasures the tide had brought in overnight. I picked up a few things - a white pebble smoothed by the salt water - a shell that used to be the home of a wonderful little sea creature - and then, I heard God say to my spirit, "Look up, Belinda." I answered, almost as if He were standing there with me, "But if I look up, I might miss a shell." He replied, "But if you don't look up, you might miss Me."

So I looked up, fully expecting to see dolphins leaping in the air or a beautiful out-of-place rainbow, but there was nothing. No "A-ha" moment, only waves for my entire journey back. Yet, every time I found myself looking down to find shells, my mind and heart would remember what God had spoken to my spirit - "Look up."

I am (and was that day) reminded of the verse in Col. 3 that says, "Set you heart on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God."

Earthly things: surgery; sickness; cancer; loss; hurt; painful relationships; the list goes on and on.

Things above: Christ; His plan; His purpose in the hard things; His GOOD plan for me; His heart towards me; thankfully, this list goes on and on, too.

You know, I never did have that "A-ha" moment at the beach...at least the "A-ha" I expected. What I did receive was something even more precious - something that would carry me through a lot more, than a moment in time. I received a reminder from the Lord to "Look up;" to keep my eyes focused on the One who makes everything right and has my good and His glory in mind; to keep my attention on Him, Who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all I could ask or imagine; to faithfully acknowledge the One Who is able to counteract everything life can throw at me; to see His possibilities and not my own helplessness.


Thank You, Lord, for speaking to us through Your Spirit - for always nudging our hearts to look up at the heavenly things...for reminding us that the things we see here on this earth are but temporary and the things of You are eternal. Thank You for using these earthly things to produce in us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. Thank You.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

God's Garden

Someone commented a few days ago that my garden, “looked great.” They then added, “I’m impressed.” Can I just tell you – that did my heart good. I have diligently taken care of the plants to make sure nothing hurt them or their production. Why even yesterday, I was pulling squash bugs off my zucchini by hand and disposing of them - properly of course! I have agonized over each plant's water intake, as well as delighted myself in finding every blade of grass and destroying it. I may sound a little like the “Terminator,” but when it comes to my garden, I guess that name is appropriate.

It makes me proud to look at my garden...to see that my effort has paid off. To know that someone else noticed my hard work is just icing on the cake. I wonder if God feels that way, too. Ps. 19:1-4 says: The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays His handiwork. Day after day it speaks out; night after night it reveals His greatness. There is no actual speech or word, nor is its voice literally heard. Yet its voice echoes throughout the earth; its words carry to the distant horizon. In the sky He has pitched a tent for the sun.

There were no accidents in creation. It didn’t just come into being-God created it. He formed it. He worked at it. And after creation was finished, Scripture says He looked at "everything He had made, and indeed it was very good..." (Gen 1:31).

I wonder if anybody’s noticed lately. I wonder how many of us have looked up at the bright blue of the sky and said, “I’m impressed.” I wonder if we’ve taken the time to really look at a flower – to see the multitude of colors represented, sometimes in just one petal. I wonder if anyone has simply taken a drink of fresh water when they were thirsty, without acknowledging the One who created it for them.

Let’s not be like that today. Let’s take time to look around at the beautiful creation God has not only given us, but made for us and tell Him, “Your garden looks great, God. I’m impressed.”

Father, thank You so much for the beauty of the earth…for the color of the trees and the beauty of the flowers that dangle from their branches. Thank You for the mountains and the valleys, literally. I’m impressed…incredibly impressed.