Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sometimes the most important words in the English language are actually the smallest. For instance, during this Easter season I've had the word "all" on my mind. Every time I read my Bible, "ALL" seems to jump out at me from the pages. So much so, I've found myself searching for the little word, whose addition to a sentence changes everything - sometimes for the good and sometimes not.

In Mark 14:31, Peter spoke emotionally charged words to Christ when he said, "Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!" Then the verse continues and our little word appears again: "And they ALL said likewise." It wasn't just Peter that proclaimed his devotion to Christ. It was ALL of the disciples. They ALL claimed to be so devoted to the person of Jesus Christ that they would die with Him. And then just a few verses later, their devotion turned to desertion. As Judas' kiss fell on the cheek of our Savior, and the ear of Malchus fell to the ground, Scripture records: "Then they ALL forsook Him and fled." (vs. 50).

Jesus knew they would. He knew He would have to endure this horrendous death alone. It was prophesy. And yet, I can't help but imagine the pain that seared His heart as He watched them ALL run, as well as the full cup of guilt that they drank each time their feet touched the ground in flight.

If only SOME had deserted Him, maybe this verse wouldn't hit me so hard. Maybe it wouldn't have stuck out in my mind and made me think more seriously about the time before the death of Christ. Maybe His "aloneness" wouldn't strike at my heart the way it does. But it wasn't just some of was ALL of them. His best friends... the people who had shared the last three years with Him...the ones that claimed they would die for Him and with Him, deserted the One they called their Master.

I know this was ALL part of God's plan, but it still makes my heart ache for my Savior. And maybe that's part of God's plan, too. The Easter season is a time of celebration - a time to remember the risen Christ. But I think, ALL too often, I focus way too much on the joyful aspect of the holy day, instead of all of the events leading up to it. I go into the season, lacking a true reverence and respect for the price He paid for me...and His "aloneness" was just a small part of that price.

ALL forsook Him. Let that word sink deep into your heart and soul. I hope it stirs in us a remembrance of the unimaginable price He paid for our souls. So that in turn, we will not be part of the ALL of our generation. We will not flee when ALL others do. We will not choose to run, when we are persecuted for our faith, whether that be emotionally or physically. We will choose to stay with our Savior and fight for His name, regardless of the outcome of our loyalty.

Jesus, I love You. I thank You for ALL You endured for ME on the cross, so that I could not only be worthy of Your name, but proclaim IT worthy to those around me. Help me, Lord, to stand for You, when others flee. Give me strength to fight in Jesus' name for Your name. Thank You for the crucifixion, for without it, ALL would be lost. I praise You, Jesus. Praise You.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Word of God Speaks

Sometimes I just don't know how to pray. My mom was rushed unexpectedly to the hospital yesterday, my dad's having an x-ray on a lump as I write, and my son is awaiting a possible head CT tomorrow. Needless to say, I awoke this morning in tears. I cried out to the Lord and told Him I couldn't think - that I couldn't even focus enough to pray. It was then that the Comforter, Himself, whispered sweet words of peace to my heart..."when you cannot pray, the Spirit intercedes with groanings too deep for words."

I wiped my tears, leaned over and picked up my Bible. I didn't want to read, but was compelled. "Just a few verses..." I thought. My devotional book was in another room, so I just let the pages fall open. They separated at Romans 8, and I began reading. Little did I remember or have the presence of mind to recall what the passage was about before reading it.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. 23And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. 24For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.

I felt my "few verses" turned into "a few more." I kept reading, unprepared for what I was about to experience:

26In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; 27and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
28And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

A smile covered my face...the kind of smile a daughter gives to her father when she realizes he did something just for her. My Daddy, my Father, comforted me first through speaking to my spirit in prayer, and then through showing me the same Words in print. It was as if He knew I needed that verse to sink into my heart and take root in my soul.

Jesus spoke AND interceeded for me, for my family, for everyone involved, in the midst of my distress....according to His Father's perfect will. He took my deep wordLESSness and created inability to pray coherently for my family and turned it into a prayer on my behalf...all in accordance with my Father's will.

Just had to let you know He's real. He's alive. He's personal...and He's interceeding for you and me, even now.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's Time to Take a Stand

"The only way for evil to prevail is for good men(women) to do nothing."

Now, I'm not normally one to get on a band wagon about something, but I figure this is as good a time as any to do so. I recently received an e-mail from HSLDA - Homeschool Legal Defense Association - which concerns me, greatly. It seems that ABC is airing a new show in the fall called, "Good Christian Bi---es." I hope you see immediately, the glaring oxymoron in this title. It's based on a book that depicts a divorcee coming back home to Texas after her failed marriage. Evidently, her friends - the Christians - make her life even more miserable when she returns, because of jealously towards her.

Now, I have to say, I have not read the book or watched the show, YET. I have, however, read a few reviews. Despite that, the title alone should sound some sort of alarm in every Christian's heart. It's an attack on Jesus, period.

ABC-TV has decided that it can take direct aim at Christians with what amounts to hate speech. This is the premise of its new program GCB (which stands for Good Christian B*****es). We need to fight back.

This program ridicules Christians, Christianity, the Bible, and Christian symbols in ways that would be unthinkable if aimed at any other religious group. For example, in the official Facebook page for GCB it said that “cleavage will help keep your cross straight.” Can you imagine the reaction in the Muslim community if that kind of message (complete with a highly suggestive photo) would have been made aiming at a symbol of the Islamic faith?

See what I mean?

My husband has recently been preaching about Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. When Jerusalem was destroyed, the wall around the city was torn down. That was a devastating blow, for the city wall symbolized protection. Without it, any marauding group could simply walk in and steal everything the people had. Jerusalem needed that wall. They needed the protection a wall could give.

And wouldn't you know it, when they finally started rebuilding, the groups around Jerusalem got upset and tried everything they could to keep the walls torn down. For you see, they had everything to lose and nothing to gain, if the Israelites became a safe, protected nation once again.

They shouted at the Israelites. They tried to deceive them into letting them "help" with the rebuilding. They tried sending discouraging messages throughout the camps. They even threatened the lives of those working on the wall. They pulled out every stop and tried every trick to end the work.

Finally, Nehemiah had had enough. He stood and addressed the people working on the walls: And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, 'Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your homes.' And it happened, when our enemies heard that is was known to us, and that God had brought their plot to nothing, that all of us returned to the wall, everyone to his work."

I don't know about you, but I have "brethren." I have sons. I have a daughter. I don't have a wife, but I have a husband. And I have a home. Far too long, I have watched things happen and said in my heart with disgust, "That's a shame." However, now that the attack on my Jesus and my belief is so blatant, I can no longer sit and be silent. It's time to fight.

Now, I'm definitely not suggesting violence against ABC, but I am suggesting action. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. And with that in mind, I am wielding my sword, now. I encourage you, Believer. Go to the ABC website, and fight for your family...for your "brethren," for your sons and daughters, wives (husbands) and homes in a Christ-like fashion. If we respond with anger and aggression, not only will we NOT please Jesus, but we will just solidify the material in the show. Please tell them of your concern, but do so in spirit of gentleness and conviction.

I don't know about you, but I'm done's time to fight.

Jesus, we need Your help here. This type of thing makes us angry and fearful of the future. Help us to be neither, but also help us not to sit back and let this just happen. Teach us to fight for You, Lord Jesus, in a Christ-like manner so that the world will know that You are real and that You are, in fact, the Savior of it. We love You, Jesus. Help us to prove it in a manner worthy of Your great name. Amen

As an added note, here are the sponsors for the show:
• Verizon
• Comcast xFinity
• Rooms to Go
• SC Johnson
• Conagra Foods for Chef Boyardee
• PepsiCo

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sometimes You Just Need a Little Help

Sometimes you just need a little help. Actually, sometimes you just need A LOT of help. I have become increasing aware of that lately. Watching men walk in and out of our home, carrying plywood, nail guns, and particle board has been a great reminder. We thought we could do the majority of it ourselves, but soon realized we were in over our heads.

Back in late summer of last year, we had a water/steam leak which reaked havoc on the downstairs area of our house. Everything had to come up...nails, flooring, plywood...everything. We moved ourselves into a hotel and a couple of Pack Rat storage units and got to work. However, we quickly realized we were in over our heads. The work was taking way too long, and a lot of the stuff was too detailed for us to handle.

That’s when THEY showed up - in pickup trucks and trailers...with power tools and hammers...with energy and smiles to boot. I don’t know exactly how many have been in and out of our front door, but finally, the MONSTER - that our home had become - is being tamed...and groomed, all at the same time.

THEY’ve sweated. THEY’ve taken time away from their families. THEY’ve had sore muscles and some slight injuries. THEY’ve worked without complaint and without recognition. And for what reason? Well, I haven’t exactly asked them that question, but I think I know the answer. I think THEY’d tell you it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with Jesus.

Scripture tells us "...let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth." I John 3:18 (NAS). Or as the New Living Translation says, "...let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." Somewhere along the way, these men were either taught that verse or learned it for themselves. THEY know that love spoken without evidence, means nothing. But love exemplified is everything.

The ultimate example of love in action can been seen in the life of Christ. He didn’t just tell us He loved us, He proved it on the cross. And THEY’ve exemplified that love to my family, in a very precious way. THEY’ve put my home back together...and I never even asked them to.

Now, I walk through the front door of our home and don’t feel the heavy weight of destruction, but feel humbled by the love of Christ fleshed out in their lives. Jesus has loved me, through them. How precious is that!

So, for all of the THEYs who’ve been used by Jesus in our home, "Thank You." Your love for Him is evident in every nail you’ve pulled up and put down, every board you’ve carried, and every sweat drop that’s fallen from your forehead. "Thank you" for being His example of love still radiant here on this earth.

Jesus, may you bless abundantly and exceedingly, these men and their families, who have exhibited love to my family in the last few weeks. Teach us to follow their example - the example of Christ - and love not just with our mouths, but with our hands and feet. Thank You, Lord for using Your servants to show love to me. You are indeed, amazing. I praise You, Lord. Praise You.