Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saltwater, Sin and a Shark

I'm always on the look-out for good, educational books for my kids, and the other day, I found a "whopper."  The title, The Old Farmer's Almanac Kids, doesn't really make the book sound like a fascinating kids' book, but once you open it, the stories just seem to jump off the page...for example, this true tale about a helpful shark.  It seems that in 1799, a ship captain by the name of Thomas Briggs was arrested for smuggling goods between Aruba and the U.S..  He declared his innocence at his trial, knowing the defense didn't have much evidence to go on.  However, the trial took an unexpected turn when a a British captain entered the courtroom with evidence to convict Briggs.  Evidently, the captain had caught a shark at sea, finding papers in its stomach, detailing Briggs' smuggling operations written in his own handwriting!  Briggs, realizing he was doomed, confessed to the crime and was convicted.

After reading the next few paragraphs, I hope you'll understand why I took you on this little historical detour. Reading this morning in Micah 7, I found this verse:  You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea (19), which led me to another verse:  As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us (Ps. 103:12). 
Unlike Thomas Briggs, as Believers our sins - when forgiven - will never be brought against us again.  Briggs was tried and convicted, because his sins were thrown into the depths of the sea, but resurfaced to prove his condemnation.  Praise be to our God, who not only casts our sins into the sea when we ask for forgiveness, but separates them from us as far as the east is from the west.  Our sins will never resurface to bring judgement upon us, because there are no longer any papers of accusation to be found.  

On occasion, though, our sins DO resurface to haunt us.  We go fishing on our own, reel in the shark, cut it open and pull out the papers one by one, convicting ourselves before Christ, nullifying in our own minds the forgiveness He's already granted.  Ridiculous, don't cha' think?  

On the other hand, sometimes the papers resurface for another reason.  Un-confessed sin will not remain underwater.  As followers of Christ, when we refuse to repent from a sin or choose to hide from it, the Spirit will go fishing on His own.  He wants to bring you back into a right relationship with the Father, and He won't let that shark stay at the bottom of the ocean.  He'll drag it up, inch by inch until you realize your waywardness from Christ, repent from your sin, and draw near once again to the Father.    

So today, if you're struggling with the heaviness of your sin, do one of two things.  First of all, if this thing that haunts you is un-confessed, confess it, repent (turn) from it, and follow after Christ.  Yet, if this sin that haunts you has already been covered by the blood of Jesus,  toss the thing back into the depths of the ocean where it belongs!  Don't let Satan or your own mind use guilt to convict you and hold you captive over something that you've already been forgiven for.  Guilt ties your hands and feet - to bind you - so that you will never know that you are not a convicted criminal, but FREE...and if the Son sets you free, you are free, indeed...no matter what.

Jesus, I praise You today for being my Redeemer...for taking my guilt upon the cross and removing it through Your sacrifice of life.  Thank You that I no longer have to be bound by my past, nor held tight from my future because of my sin.  Thank You that You took care of that for me.  I praise You, Jesus.  Praise You! 


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our Vital Necessity

Steve (my wonderful, handsome, loving, caring, dishes-doing-to-let-me-know-he-still-loves-me husband) and I set aside some Scripture verses as our own, when we decided to get married.  Jeremiah 29:11-13 became our life verses and almost 19 years later, they still bring many beautiful memories to mind for me:  

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.

I'm sure many people hold the same verses near and dear to their hearts, but yesterday, as I read the Amplified Bible, I found some additional "meat" to satisfy my Spirit:  Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me (as a vital necessity) and find me when you search for Me with all your heart (vs. 13). 

As a vital necessity - I read over those words again and again and questioned myself.  Was I really searching for God as my vital necessity or was I just merely searching for all the benefits that come from being His child - His joy, His peace, His will?  I decided, it's not the benefits I want to know.  It's Him.  I really, really, REALLY want to know Him. 

To do so, however, requires something  - a searching.  God doesn't just pop out of a bottle like a genie or follow us around like a puppy, waiting to be addressed.  Nope. Instead, He says we have to search for Him - determinedly, thoughtfully, desperately -  to find Him.  After all, God is our VITAL NECESSITY...and our search for Him should exemplify that. 

Let's imagine for a moment.  If you were stranded on a desert island with no food or water, what would be the first thing you would look for?  Silly question, right?  I can almost - I said ALMOST - guarantee that you wouldn't look for a new pair of palm leaf shoes or the latest coconut hair handbag to take up space in your new closet - handwoven from vines!  No, you'd look for the vital necessities for life - the things you need to live on a minute by minute basis.  Nothing else would matter...not your checkbook, not your car, not cable TV...not even the fact that you had to climb up jagged peaks and cut your hands and feet to pieces to get to the only clean water source on the island.  Nothing would matter to you, EXCEPT finding that vital necessity.  

That's the way we are to search for God...as THE (word change, my own) Vital Necessity of life.  Oh, and guess what?  When we search for Him in this manner, He promises to be found.  How cool is that!?! 

Now, I'm not suggesting we all go out and seclude ourselves on an island, so we can focus completely and totally on finding God.  That would be totally out of God's will, unless He specifically told you to do so...and I don't know of many people He's instructed to do that!  

I am suggesting though, that we change our way of thinking about finding God.  I'm saying we need to search for Him, not just at church on Sunday or Wednesday, but all the time - being constantly aware that He is our Vital Necessity, and we must find Him to find life.  That means we must be in a spirit of prayer at all times.  It means we must read His Word, as much as possible during the day and memorize as much of It as possible.  Searching for God as our Vital Necessity means we must be in an attitude of anticipation throughout the day, so as not to miss what He does next.  It means searching for Him around every corner of your life, as you would for clean water on a deserted island. 

Scripture says, THEN we will find Him.  We will find our Vital Necessity for life.   

Now, let me ask you again,  "How cool is that?!?"  

Dear Jesus, we want to know You.  We want to learn how to search for You as our Vital Necessity for life.  Teach us, Lord to do so.  Correct our eyes when we look away and our feet when we turn from Your direction.  Thank You, Lord, that you promise that when we seek for You in this manner, You WILL be found.  What a Treasure You are to us, Lord.  Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Will You Have a Husky in the Morning?
This morning during breakfast, my little one reminded me of a quote that I read on Facebook a couple of days ago. He, of course, never saw the quote, but I did...and it stuck. I can’t remember who posted it or what time of day I saw it, but the words and their meanings will forever be etched in my memory. Now this is probably not word-for-word, but I think you’ll get the point:  

What if you awoke tomorrow with just the things you thanked God for today?

For me, that quote hit home. If the tables were turned and the statement said, “What if you awoke tomorrow with just the things you asked God for today,” then my life might be pretty rich. But I’m afraid I would be a little - no, a lot lacking in the vital necessities of life, if the statement remained the same.

This morning, as Seth prayed, I was reminded of the statement once again. He, (as usual) began his prayer thanking God for all the people that He had made. He thanked God for the trees and the dogs...for all the animals in the world...for Huskies...for birds...for making the moon...and his family. Prayers like this one from him, go on and on and most of the time, they are prayers of thanksgiving. If that quote came true, my little boy would have everything he loved and needed - and SOOO much more, right down to the Husky!

To my shame, I’ve already “fessed up” and said that I would be pretty desperate. What about you? What would your life look like if you had only those things around you today that you thanked God for yesterday? Would your life be filled to the brim and overflowing? Would you, too, have a Husky? Or would you be wandering the streets, desperately searching for the bare essentials like me? I tell you what...let’s not be lacking in the area of thankfulness.

God tells us that we are to be thankful in everything...for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thess. 5:18. (NAS). He tells us that for many reasons. It’s not just because He wants to hear our thanksgiving, but it’s also because He knows what it does for us. It reminds us of how blessed we truly are. It reminds us WHERE those blessings come from. It focuses our attention away from ourselves and to the One who is the Giver of all good gifts. Being thankful lifts our spirits, our countenances, and our moods. He knows that, so in His wisdom, He commands us to do it. It is, after all, God’s will for us in Christ Jesus.

So, right now, think of...and thank God for at least 10 things in your life that He has graciously provided for you. Go ahead, and do it. I’m not writing any more until you do!

Okay, now, throughout the day, make a conscious effort to tell Him “Thank you.” When you wash your hands, tell Him “Thank You” for the hot water. When you eat your dinner, tell Him, “Thank You” for His provision. When you lay your head down at night, tell Him, “Thank You” for a place to sleep and for the sleep that will come...and if it doesn’t come, just think...you have the rest of the night to ponder things to thank God for!  

Dearest Jesus, we do thank You for everything. You have given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. You have given us, most importantly, eternal life. You have given us breath in our lungs and air to breathe. I could go on and on Lord, for You know my heart. Help me to be ever thankful today...more than yesterday, and not as much as tomorrow. I love you, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You.