When I was little, I loved watching the Miss America Pageant. There was just something about all the beautiful girls with the gorgeous dresses and the bigger-than-life hair that captivated me. I especially loved the talent part of the competition and would often imagine myself singing and dancing right along side all the lovely ladies. Oh, and the Top Ten was always sooo exciting back then. If you were anything like me, I would always pick who I thought it should be and rant and rave when the judges weren't "right."
I know you are wondering where in the world this is going, but trust me, I have a method in my madness. My "madness" is not necessarily to get you thinking about beauty contests and all the pageantry that accompanies them. Instead, my "madness" is to get you thinking about someone being identified by something.
Every young girl in that pageant wore something around her torso that identified her with her state. This "banner" was a very important part of her reign, because it told everyone around her who she was and what she represented. Even when she wasn't wearing it, the essence of the banner still lingered with her. She was who that banner said she was - at all times - regardless. She was "Miss So-and-So."
The banner was her identity.
Now, let's move that concept into the spiritual realm. Song of Solomon 2:4 says, "His banner over me is love." To me, that's one of the coolest things I've come to understand lately. When I was a little girl, I had no idea what the phrase meant. I sang songs about "His banner over me being love," but never could understand it...until now.
A banner identifies us. It tell us who a person is. It tells us who we are. It explains something about someone or something that everyone needs to know in order for things to make sense.
When I think about God's banner over me being love, I picture it this way. Every day, I walk around with a "flag" or banner over my head that identifies me...that tells people who I am. The banner displays four words...four powerful, life-changing words: "I love her...God." God's banner over me identifies me as His beloved. It tells others (and me) that no matter who people say that I am, He loves me. It doesn't matter if my hair is standing on end or my eyes are sagging from exhaustion. It doesn't matter if I am at church in the middle of a prayer meeting, or somewhere else in the middle of doing something I'm not supposed to be doing, my God still looks on me and loves me. I am, and always will continue to be, the object of His genuine, deep affection...of His love.
You see, UNLIKE the "Miss America" banner, the banner that God places over me can never be taken away. Period. It will always remain. Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
You see, UNLIKE the "Miss America" banner, the banner that God places over me can never be taken away. Period. It will always remain. Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Praise God that His banner over me will always be love! I can't think of a more beautiful way to be identified! : )
Jesus, thank You. Thank You that You love me, You really do. And thank You that You always will. Remind me of that love today - of Your banner today - that can never change or be changed. I love you, Lord. I truly do.