Let’s face it - I just simply don’t like to take medicine. I never have. To me, there’s just something strange about putting chemically-created, chalky, circular discs covered in a lacquered coating into my body! But recently, I’ve become a little more tolerant of the idea. I still don’t like it, but sometimes, I have found that you just have to bite the bullet and swallow the thing!
Recently, my doctor prescribed a medication for my grumpy joints that caused my stomach to rebel and feel as if my food would not remain with me for very long, if you know what I mean! I decided the side effects weren’t worth the trouble and so, I stopped taking the medication, against doctor’s orders. It felt rather freeing at first - at least for a couple of days. But by the end of the third night, I had decided that maybe the doctor DID know something about my joints and that the little chemically-created, chalky, circular discs covered in a lacquered coating didn’t seem so bad after all! For me, the benefits far outweighed the side effects.
The point is...the doctor knew what was best for me. He knew that I needed to take the medicine, even though I told him I didn’t want to take it. He knew that I would feel better and be able to function more efficiently in my body, if the medicine were a part of me. It was only my sheer stubbornness that decided to take matters into my own hands and stop the meds. After all, I knew what was best for me...or so I thought. I wanted to do it my way - not his...
...AND what does this have to do with Jesus?
Well, sometimes, what He tells us to do in His Word (His Prescription) is something that we do not FEEL like doing. Instead, we FEEL like doing things our way. We FEEL like doing what makes us happy, not whole. So, in our stubbornness, we don’t listen. Instead we go our own way - doing things the way we think they should be done. Soon enough, one of two things happens We either crawl back to Him on our hands and knees begging for relief from our own selfish nature, OR worse yet, we blame Him for not doing what He said He would do in our lives. Isn't that interesting? We blame Him, even though, we are the ones who refused to take the remedy that He has prescribed!
Okay, okay, but what in the world does that look like in real life? What does it look like to take the medicine that the DOCTOR (in this case, GOD) prescribed?
It looks like praying for your enemies - the ones who hate you, who despitefully use you and persecute you, who curse you - even when you feel like punching them in the mouth instead (Matt. 5:44). You might not like the prescription or the effects, but remember, it’s for your healing.
It looks like loving other with action, not just in word or deed - even though it might take a little effort on your part to stop and help the widow lady next door get her groceries into her home - even though it might mean you have to be ready for rejection when you offer to help someone in need - even though it might mean not ever receiving thanks for something you did for someone (I John 3:18). You might not like the prescription or the effects, but remember, it’s for your healing.
It looks like opening your mouth and speaking with kindness and gentleness to someone who is chewing you out - literally - even though it might make you look weak to those around you - even though it might be embarrassing to your pride - even though it goes against every angry fiber rising in your being (Prov. 15:1-2). You might not like the prescription or the effects, but remember, it’s for your healing.
It looks like choosing to be thankful to God in the midst of hurtful situations, when all you can see around you are walls collapsing and torrents of water covering you up to your neck (I Thess. 5:18). You might not like the prescription or the effects, but remember, it’s for your healing.
The list could go on and on. There are SO many examples of “prescriptions” in Scripture, and all of them, though they might not be something that you WANT to do or like the effects of, ALL of them are for your healing.
So, the question before us today is - are we gonna trust the DOCTOR to know what is best for us - to prescribe the perfect medication for our remedy, OR are we - in our stubbornness - going to do things our own way and toss the Prescription to the side? I pray that we will choose the former and trust that God - even with side effects - knows what He’s doing to bring about our ultimate healing.
Dearest Jesus, Help me today to take my medicine like a good patient. Help me listen to what Your Word has to say about the situations that arise in my life today and respond the way You would have me respond. Teach me Your Word. Sink It deep into my soul that I may be healed. Thank You, Father, for Your healing...Your ultimate healing.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Attitude is Everything, But It's Nothing Without Thankfulness
I've always heard that "Attitude is everything," but I've decided that "attitude" doesn't just happen. It must be preceded by something else - especially during the hard times.
Driving home from a football game on Saturday, I turned on the radio to let my little boy listen to some music. We listened for a long time without him saying a word. I actually thought he had fallen asleep. Soon, the music ended and a radio program began.
I wish I could remember the name of the young man who was interviewed, but alas, his story will just have to remain anonymous. This 16 year old was an incredible high school basketball player, with aspirations of "going pro."
While chasing a basketball one day at practice, he slammed his head into the wall of the gym, trying to keep the ball in play. When he awoke a few seconds later, he realized his life had changed forever. He was paralyzed from the neck down.
His dream was gone. His parents' dreams for him were gone. Life for the whole family changed in an instance.
Yet, this physically active young man, who had been reduced to life in a wheelchair, had an incredible attitude towards the whole thing.
Instead of looking ahead and pining over the things that would never be, he looked back and was grateful for the things that were. He said that he had had 16 years of running and playing basketball - 16 years of being physically active. Others that he had known, had not even had one day with the ability to take a step on their own. He said he could imagine that those people would give anything, just to be able to play ONE basketball game.
He had had 16 years.
I have to tell you. That young man's attitude stirred something deep within me. It's hard to get older. It's hard when physical limitations change your life. It's hard to let go, AND YET, instead of pining away at what could have been, I need to look at all the time (40+ years), I've had to be perfectly healthy...to be physically strong...to be able to handle any challenges that came my way.
I Thessalonians 5:18 says, "and in all things, give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Now, I don't think God was saying that we are supposed to be thankful for car accidents and physical limitations and other varying degrees of the results of sin here on this earth. I, do believe however, that God is telling us in I Thessalonians, to be diligent about - and purposeful in - finding things to be thankful for IN our circumstances.
That's not always easy. Sometimes, beause of our emotions and physical limitations, the "thankful things" are hard to see outright, but they ARE there. It might take some diligent searching, but it so pleases the Father for us to acknowledge that no matter how hard life here on earth is, we still believe Him to have all things in control. Turning our attention and our tearful eyes to Him, must please His "Father's heart," as we acknowledge our trust in Him.
Yes, attitude might, indeed, be everything - but attitude can't be anything without the blessed diligence of thanksgiving. Let's be thankful today. Let's diligently to search for those gifts of God in our lives. Let's purposely choose to lift our eyes to meet His in trust...and be thankful in all things, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus.
Father, help me be thankful. Teach me how to concentrate on the good things that You have given. Teach me how to take my adversities and turn them into something that exalts your Name to those around me. Thank You, Father. Thank You.
Driving home from a football game on Saturday, I turned on the radio to let my little boy listen to some music. We listened for a long time without him saying a word. I actually thought he had fallen asleep. Soon, the music ended and a radio program began.
I wish I could remember the name of the young man who was interviewed, but alas, his story will just have to remain anonymous. This 16 year old was an incredible high school basketball player, with aspirations of "going pro."
While chasing a basketball one day at practice, he slammed his head into the wall of the gym, trying to keep the ball in play. When he awoke a few seconds later, he realized his life had changed forever. He was paralyzed from the neck down.
His dream was gone. His parents' dreams for him were gone. Life for the whole family changed in an instance.
Yet, this physically active young man, who had been reduced to life in a wheelchair, had an incredible attitude towards the whole thing.
Instead of looking ahead and pining over the things that would never be, he looked back and was grateful for the things that were. He said that he had had 16 years of running and playing basketball - 16 years of being physically active. Others that he had known, had not even had one day with the ability to take a step on their own. He said he could imagine that those people would give anything, just to be able to play ONE basketball game.
He had had 16 years.
I have to tell you. That young man's attitude stirred something deep within me. It's hard to get older. It's hard when physical limitations change your life. It's hard to let go, AND YET, instead of pining away at what could have been, I need to look at all the time (40+ years), I've had to be perfectly healthy...to be physically strong...to be able to handle any challenges that came my way.
I Thessalonians 5:18 says, "and in all things, give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Now, I don't think God was saying that we are supposed to be thankful for car accidents and physical limitations and other varying degrees of the results of sin here on this earth. I, do believe however, that God is telling us in I Thessalonians, to be diligent about - and purposeful in - finding things to be thankful for IN our circumstances.
That's not always easy. Sometimes, beause of our emotions and physical limitations, the "thankful things" are hard to see outright, but they ARE there. It might take some diligent searching, but it so pleases the Father for us to acknowledge that no matter how hard life here on earth is, we still believe Him to have all things in control. Turning our attention and our tearful eyes to Him, must please His "Father's heart," as we acknowledge our trust in Him.
Yes, attitude might, indeed, be everything - but attitude can't be anything without the blessed diligence of thanksgiving. Let's be thankful today. Let's diligently to search for those gifts of God in our lives. Let's purposely choose to lift our eyes to meet His in trust...and be thankful in all things, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus.
Father, help me be thankful. Teach me how to concentrate on the good things that You have given. Teach me how to take my adversities and turn them into something that exalts your Name to those around me. Thank You, Father. Thank You.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The Stench of Death
Have you ever smelled a rotten egg? I have.
As a kid, every Easter - yes, I'm talking about Easter while Thanksgiving is fast approaching - we dyed eggs. They were gorgeous...sometimes...but more often than not, they usually ended up some form of brown, because we tried to blend too many colors!
We always had to hide them outside, too. That was the result of hiding them inside one year and finding one a few weeks later. You can imagine the aroma.
One day, as I was hiding in a bush while playing an intense game of hide-n-seek, I found another egg. It wasn't anywhere close to Easter. Evidently, it had been in that tree for a VERY long time, because when I touched it to remove it from the branches, the egg dissolved into a mush of yuk. That's about the only way I can describe it. Oh, and the smell...I won't forget that smell. It's been at least 30 years, and my nose still scrunches automatically when I think about it.
The weird thing was - the egg still looked pretty on the outside. The colors were a little faded, but all in all, it looked like an Easter egg. But the smell sent me reeling. I no longer wanted to show my family. I wanted to TELL them, but had no desire to show them! The stench was just too great. The beautiful Easter egg was rotting from the inside out.
Spiritually speaking, I think the same thing happens with us on occasion...at least it does with me. I'll be trucking right along in my walk with the Lord, and all of the sudden, someone or something "touches" me, and some harsh, bitter, stinky words come out of my mouth. It usually catches me totally by surprise and sends me reeling with the stench.
Now, I'm not talking about those semi-automatic responses to a threat of some kind. I'm talking about a deep, thought-out harshness of words that reeks of a rotting place in my heart.
When I hear myself and FEEL myself say something that exemplifies death, I know something is wrong with me spiritually. Somewhere, I have buried some resentment...some bitterness...and it has festered, attempting to rot the life within.
When that happens, I immediately ask God to show me what it is that I have harbored - what it is that I have allowed to grow in me that is not characteristic of Him. And He gently does so. I confess my anger and my bitterness to Him, and He in turn, washes and cleanses the rotting places from my heart.
How about you? Have you "smelled" something rotten coming out of your mouth lately? Has it taken you by surprise, showing you that there is something growing deep within you spiritually and it's NOT good? My advice? Put down the mouthwash and allow God to cleanse you. Ask Him what the evil is that you have been harboring inside. Ask Him to show you the depth of your bitterness and the reasons behind it. Confess it and then allow Him to cleanse you from it!
Have a beautiful, stench-free day!!!
I praise You, God, that You don't just leave me in my rottenness. You don't just allow things to fester in my life unchecked. Instead, you gently allow them to surface, so that I can confess them. Cleanse me, Lord. Change my heart to be more and more like Yours every minute of every day. Thank You for Your forgiveness and grace.
As a kid, every Easter - yes, I'm talking about Easter while Thanksgiving is fast approaching - we dyed eggs. They were gorgeous...sometimes...but more often than not, they usually ended up some form of brown, because we tried to blend too many colors!
We always had to hide them outside, too. That was the result of hiding them inside one year and finding one a few weeks later. You can imagine the aroma.
One day, as I was hiding in a bush while playing an intense game of hide-n-seek, I found another egg. It wasn't anywhere close to Easter. Evidently, it had been in that tree for a VERY long time, because when I touched it to remove it from the branches, the egg dissolved into a mush of yuk. That's about the only way I can describe it. Oh, and the smell...I won't forget that smell. It's been at least 30 years, and my nose still scrunches automatically when I think about it.
The weird thing was - the egg still looked pretty on the outside. The colors were a little faded, but all in all, it looked like an Easter egg. But the smell sent me reeling. I no longer wanted to show my family. I wanted to TELL them, but had no desire to show them! The stench was just too great. The beautiful Easter egg was rotting from the inside out.
Spiritually speaking, I think the same thing happens with us on occasion...at least it does with me. I'll be trucking right along in my walk with the Lord, and all of the sudden, someone or something "touches" me, and some harsh, bitter, stinky words come out of my mouth. It usually catches me totally by surprise and sends me reeling with the stench.
Now, I'm not talking about those semi-automatic responses to a threat of some kind. I'm talking about a deep, thought-out harshness of words that reeks of a rotting place in my heart.
When I hear myself and FEEL myself say something that exemplifies death, I know something is wrong with me spiritually. Somewhere, I have buried some resentment...some bitterness...and it has festered, attempting to rot the life within.
When that happens, I immediately ask God to show me what it is that I have harbored - what it is that I have allowed to grow in me that is not characteristic of Him. And He gently does so. I confess my anger and my bitterness to Him, and He in turn, washes and cleanses the rotting places from my heart.
How about you? Have you "smelled" something rotten coming out of your mouth lately? Has it taken you by surprise, showing you that there is something growing deep within you spiritually and it's NOT good? My advice? Put down the mouthwash and allow God to cleanse you. Ask Him what the evil is that you have been harboring inside. Ask Him to show you the depth of your bitterness and the reasons behind it. Confess it and then allow Him to cleanse you from it!
Have a beautiful, stench-free day!!!
I praise You, God, that You don't just leave me in my rottenness. You don't just allow things to fester in my life unchecked. Instead, you gently allow them to surface, so that I can confess them. Cleanse me, Lord. Change my heart to be more and more like Yours every minute of every day. Thank You for Your forgiveness and grace.
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