Yet, in my aging years, I'm finding out that patience is not such an ugly word, after all. Instead, it is something to welcome into our lives, because it works in us to make us into who God created us to be. You see, if we never pray for patience - if it's something to avoid, rather than seek after - then we will never grow up! We will stay babes in Christ, drinking milk when we should be chomping on steak!
How do I know? Well, take a look at James 1:2-4:
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
So, if we truly believe the Word - if we truly believe that what God says is true - then we will accept patience into our lives as a good thing...something that works in us, causing us to be "perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
Now that phrase doesn't mean that we will one day wake up completely sinless and be perfect in our every action and attitude. Instead, it means that one day, if we allow patience to have its way in us, then we will wake up mature, "grown up" in our spiritual walk with the Lord...empowered to fulfill His perfect Plan and Will for our lives completely.
Notice that I said, "If we allow patience...." You see, we have the ability to short-circuit this work. We can keep patience from doing its job in our lives. "How?" you may ask. I'll tell you how - by simply not choosing it!!!
For instance, it's a whole lot easier to blow up at your children when you are having a bad day, than choose to work through your anger, and act with kindness and gentleness despite your emotional upheaval. It's a whole lot easier to grumble and complain when things don't go your way at work, than it is to choose to accept what comes your way as part of God's plan for you. It's a whole lot easier to gossip about your brother or sister in Christ when they falter, than it is to choose to pray that he/she would receive forgiveness and grow in Christ.
So, I challenge us all today - as I sit at this computer trying to concentrate and type while a young child in my home beats loudly on a foam shark - to let patience have its perfect allow God to use that "ugly word" to grow us make us mature make us who we were destined to be in Christ.
Dear Jesus, I pray for patience today, and as I find myself in situations that require me to choose patience over impatience, that You would remind me of James 1:2-4. Grow me up in You, Jesus. Complete me...that I may lack nothing in my relationship with You. Thank You, Lord.