Monday, April 20, 2015

Gentleness to All

"Yes, Sundays are the hardest for us.  We are incredibly busy, so we get behind in the kitchen.  Meals don't get served quickly, and people become impatient and rude.  It's sad to say, but true.  Church people are the rudest customers we have all week," the sweet waitress answered.  

Our family doesn't normally eat out on Sundays after church, but a couple of Sundays ago, I did happen to find myself a looongg way from home and in need of some food.  After visiting Blended Fellowship in Pikeville (a church dedicated to blending hearing and deaf people in worship) my friend, Valerie and I and three of our girls stopped to grab a bite to eat before we headed home. We could tell that our waitress was incredibly busy, bounding from one table to the next.  At the end of the meal when all debts were paid, she stopped to thank us for being a bright spot in her day.  We tried to make waiting on our table fun.  Evidently, we accomplished our task!  Then again, anytime you are with Valerie Creech, fun just happens!   

Before we left the table, Valerie looked at her and asked, "I have heard that Sundays are the hardest days for waiters and waitresses. That's when people are the rudest.  Is that true?"  

And the answer at the top of the page tells the rest of that story.  

Philippians 4:5 says, "Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near."  I hate to even ask this question - but do we as Believers in Jesus, check our gentleness at the door as we walk out of the church?   

Now, I could get on my soap box and spew a few words about how people need to be kinder - especially those of the Christian faith. But then, I'd have to climb down off my soap box, bend down on my knees, throw my face in the dirt and beg for forgiveness.  For, this very week, Phil. 4:5 hit me right between the proverbial eyes.  

A mistaken communication on the part of one of my kids, caused me an hour-long car wait.  While sitting there in the dark, rehearsing my verbal discipline, the words, "let your gentleness be evident to all" echoed through the irritated corridors of my mind. 

Immediately, I was confronted with my glaring lack of gentleness.   I humbly agreed with God and thanked Him for diverting my heart and my mouth.  When the child got in the car, I asked about the day - what they had done at the party, etc....  Joy-filled conversation billowed forth.  Then, during a lull, I casually mentioned that next time it would be better if I knew the plans had changed ahead of time.  To which that child said, "Yeeaaah," as if to say, "I know I blew it."  

That night, God allowed me the opportunity to teach my child something important about life and at the same time, keep our relationship strong by simply utilizing gentleness.  

So, my challenge for you this week is to remember to "let YOUR gentleness be evident to all.  Whether the "all" is your spouse, your children, your friends, the guy in the car next to you that just pulled over in your lane and cut you off.  Yes, him too. Let you gentleness be evident to the grocery clerk and the gas station attendant - the ice cream vendor and yes, even the waiter or waitress on Sunday.  

Let your gentleness be evident...and be ALL.  

Thank You, Lord, for being gentle, even as You rebuke me. Help me to model that to be led by Your Spirit as I walk in this world.  I love You, Father.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

When the Door Closes

The suspense thrills us.  The excitement draws is in.  The agony makes our hearts ache.  

Not every movie has the scene, but some do.  And the ones that do, are incredibly intense. You've seen it, many times, I'm sure.  The main set of characters ends up in a tunnel or cave of some kind.  They are trapped on one end, and the only exit begins to close.  The door slowly inches its way down - as if some unknown source has pushed a garage door opener - threatening to trap the unprepared cast in a tomb-like structure forever.  Invariably, some make it out...and some do not.  Those who are trapped are left screaming incessantly for help from the other side, but to no avail.  Nothing can be done once the door closes.  

Now that I've gotten your attention, let me show you a similar, real life dilemma that WILL happen:  "When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open for us,' and He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from,' then you will begin to say, ' We ate and drank in Your presence and You taught in our streets.' But He will say, 'I tell you I do not know you, where you are from.  Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity."  Luke 13:25-27.

Talk about suspense...except this kind will not end once the last credit has rolled off the screen.  This suspense and drama is not made up of actors or actresses who get paid to play a part.  This kind of drama is real...very real...scary real.  

Jesus is saying that there are many of us - many in the church - who have no clue that they are seriously still trapped in their sin.  The ones He is speaking of - the ones of the other side of that cold, heavy door - are "church-goers." These people may even sing in the choir, but on THAT day, they have the surprise of their very lives thrust upon them.  They, who thought they knew Jesus and were known by Him, are actually just viewers of His grace, not participants.  

Look back at the passage.  Those who were locked outside - those who He said He didn't know - weren't the ones lying in some alley somewhere.  They weren't the ones had never seen Jesus, nor heard His teaching.  They weren't the ones who were in the bars and doing illegal and illicit things while Christ was in their city.  


The scary thing is, the people who are left outside, are the people who were very familiar with Jesus.  They were so familiar that they had eaten dinner with Him on occasion.  He possibly had even been in their homes.  They followed Him down the street as He taught of grace and mercy, sin and forgiveness - probably shaking their heads in agreement the entire time.  

No, they were not unfamiliar with Jesus.  They were very familiar...maybe, too familiar. Maybe they were SO familiar that they assumed He would NEVER close the door on them. After all,they KNEW Jesus.  They were His "buds."  Jesus was "alright with them."  Yet, in reality, He never knew them.  These people simply assumed a Family relationship because of their knowledge of Him, without ever actually being adopted into His family.  

O beloved of God - this is not meant to scare you.  It's not meant to threaten you  It's meant to make you think - really think about your relationship with Jesus.  Is it real?  Is your time with Him MORE than just your name on a church roll or your presence on the pew?  Is your relationship with Him solid?  Have you indeed turned from your previous way of life and accepted the LIFE He gives?  If not, please don't wait for the door to close.  Then it will be too late.  Settle it today.  

No, settle it now.  

Jesus, we are all in need of a little introspection on occasion.  I pray for those who are seeking out their relationship with You, right now.  I pray that You will indeed acknowledge Your presence or Your absence in their lives, so that they can make any decision necessary to change.  I pray for the ones who will be with You on that day - that they would encourage those around them to join You in life everlasting.  Open our eyes, today, Lord, so that we can know the Truth and so that You can set us free.  

Monday, April 6, 2015

It's Not Too Late

"It's too late.  He's gone."

I can see Peter, in my mind's eye, muttering these words to himself over and over.  The One who had loved him - and Whom he had loved - was dead.  He saw it happen.  It was over. 

So, can you imagine the breathless expectation...the intense beating of his heart...the hope-filled excitement that raced through the veins of that guilt-ridden disciple as the women spoke of Christ's resurrection?  "Could it be?  Could it be that I'm not too late?  That He's not really gone after all?  Could it be that I might have a second chance - that I can at least tell Him that I really DO love Him and that I will NEVER deny Him again?  Could it be?" 

I would imagine thoughts like these spurred the disciple forward and out the door - sprinting in a race for his life to see the empty tomb for himself. 

And what did he find when he got there?  Was it true?  Was Jesus really alive? 

You'd better believe it.  It was true alright, and Peter would indeed receive that "second chance" from Christ.  His guilt would be cleansed, and the humbled, "fisher of men" would never be the same. 

What about you?  Had your "second chance" yet?  How about your third or fourth?  Or if you are like about your trillionth? 

It's not too late, you know.  Jesus is still NOT dead.  If He were, there would be no need for me to write any of this.  Oh, I might be able to pat you on the back for the way you're proceeding up the corporate ladder or give you tips on how to better take care of your goldfish, but there would be no real swapping of life-changing information.  Sin would be sealed in our hearts, and a sign reading "Guilty" would be hanging over our heads. 

But as with Peter, it's not too late.  The "Guilty" sign can be removed permanently.  Jesus can trade that ratty old sign with a brand new one, glittering with gold and imprinted with the word "Forgiven." 

How about it?  Ready to swap signs? 

Dear friend, if you are not a believer, can I tell you with great sincerity and fear for your soul - one day, it WILL be too late.  One day, you will no longer have the chance to speak to Jesus about your guilt.  One day, forgiveness from Him will no longer be an option.  One day, your spirit will leave this place.  Will you be ready when it does?  Jesus is waiting.  He's waiting for you to lay aside your reservations and come running to find Him.  Tell Him NOW that you want Him to get rid of the gunk in your life...that you are ready to confess Him before men as the Savior of the world.  

Don't put this off anymore.  It's not too late...yet.  Forgiveness is still available. 

And that goes for you too, my Believing friend.  I also need to tell you - it's not too late.  You sin is not grievious enough to steal away your relationship from the One Who loves you.  It's not strong enough to continue to hold your hands in a vice grip and your heart in a guilt-ridden cage.  You don't have to remain this way. 

Jesus is alive.  It's not too late!  Forgiveness is still available.  As a matter of fact, He's waiting for you, too.  He's been missing your time with Him - your relationship with Him.  He wants you to speak with you right now.  Won't you turn and face your Savior - your Friend - your Jesus today? 

It's not too late! 

I praise You Jesus, that You are alive and well and sitting at the right hand of the Father - encouraging me, helping me, cheering me on.  I praise You that death could not hold You...that it had no power over You and therefore, will  have none over me!  Thank You that it's not too late for me to speak with You fellowship with tell You that I love You.  You are indeed, alive!