Sunday, February 21, 2016

O Isn't Grace Wonderful

It had been a long week.  My daily schedule was an absolute mess. I was tired, irritable, cranky, and I missed my time alone with Jesus.  When I finally did get a chance to sit down and speak with Him for more than a few minutes, I found myself unable to focus on my requests.  I finally just said, "Jesus, I just don't feel like I deserve to ask for these things."  His sweet Spirit whispered to my heart some very comforting words: "Belinda, you have never deserved to ask for them."  

I smiled to myself.  I think He was smiling, as well.  He was right. I have never "deserved" anything from Him.  All of my struggles...all of my good intentions...all of my time spent in prayer...all of my deeds done for Him...nothing would ever cause me to DESERVE anything from Him.  

How cool is that?!  Hang really is cool.  Stay with me a little longer.    

If it stopped right there - if I never deserved to request anything from the Lord, then all would be lost and hopeless. Yet, because of the powerful grace of Jesus, because of His endless mercy, because He gave me His Spirit...His life...His righteousness...because of these things, I can "draw near with confidence to the throne of GRACE, so that "I" may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16).

My standing before the Father has nothing to do with MY standing. Instead, it has everything to do with Jesus' standing before His Father.  He took my righteousness that was as filthy, nasty, putrid rags upon Himself and replaced my dirtiness with His own purity (Is. 64:6).  

Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You that I am free to come before my Father in heaven, because of You.  Thank You that You don't require perfection.  You require submission.   I praise You for Your grace today.  I praise You.    

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Science of a "Good" Fight

I watched intensely as the trickle increased in volume. Soon, what had started out as a small, steady stream of water became a quickly descending torrent in our side yard. Don't get me wrong...that's what I WANTED to happen. I had spent hours actually trying to make it happen. I had purposefully “released” the barriers upstream. Before I knew it, the water came pouring down the drainage ditch and out into the pond.

As I stood there watching how the water was moving, I couldn't help but think about the science behind it all – how water molecules LOVE each other. They are highly attracted to one another - so much so, that as soon as one H2O molecule screams “PARTY,” thousands of others climb aboard for the ride. It's the same process that causes water to pool in parking lots when it's raining and dance on your windows as you drive through a storm.

It's just plain science. Dam leaks become breaks; streams become rivers; and trickles become torrents. Water simply “pulls itself” along because of the attraction.

That is, unless it's stopped.

In a similar way, arguments “pull themselves” along. The words get louder, and the stances become more demonstrative. Tempers that were flared in the beginning, become incensed and inflamed. Words that were used cautiously at first, become darts shooting straight for the heart.

Proverbs 17:14 says, “The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore, stop contention before a quarrel starts.” Did you see that? Read it again...I'll wait.

Just like water molecules are attracted to one another and love to bond, strife (hurt feelings, angry emotions, fearful expectations) loves more strife. We, as humans, love a good fight. Sad, isn't it? After all, there's really no such a thing as a “good fight.”

But God says, we don't have to fight. We can stop strife, before it “gets ugly.” Pretty wise WORDS, don't you think?

One way our family is practicing this is to ask ourselves an important question: “Is it worth it?” Is the quarrel you are engaging in, or about to engage in, worth it? Is it worth the damage that it will cause the relationship? Is it worth the destruction when the torrent begins? Will good come out of this?

If not, then the altercation must stop. The best way to accomplish this, I've found, is to seal the dam before it breaks. In other words, I bite my tongue (figuratively or literally, if need be) and surrender the situation to Jesus. I don't know about you, but I can't afford, nor do I need a river running through my den or anywhere else for that matter.

So the next time you feel anger welling inside you, remember my ditch. Remember the science behind the flow of water. Remember God saying that the beginning of strife...the very beginning of the the place where it needs to stop before it gets totally out of control. Remember, and then respond with determination.

Thank You, Father. Thank You that You have given me pictures of life throughout nature. Just like the releasing of water, help me to recognize problems before they start and respond accordingly. Thank You that You will do this for me. I praise You, Father.