Sunday, March 13, 2016

Perfect Peace is Possible

It was early morning, and the stress of the day was exhibiting itself in my body and on my face. There was so much to do in such a short amount of time.  My day was full from the moment I arose from my slobbered-slumber, (you know that that is, right?) and barring Jesus coming back, it was not going to get any LESS full!  

Stumbling into the kitchen to heat up my cup of coffee that my husband had so graciously placed beside the bed, I took my first real look outside and saw life.  The trees were budding, and the grass was greener than I'd seen it in a long time.  Everything looked peaceful, and I wondered why I didn't feel so peaceful.  

Then, a little, blue rectangular sheet of paper stuck to the window caught my eye.  I had printed it out several days earlier, but this morning, the words printed on it, made me...well...relax.  

I'll bet you are just a little curious...right?  What was on that little slip of bright blue paper that softened the hard muscles in my shoulders and erased the scowl imprinted on my forehead?  

Okay, since you are so curious, I will tell you.  This is what I read: You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You  Is. 26:3.  

That's all.  

I know from past experience, that as long as I focus on "myself" and "my" day and how much "I" have to do, my stress level only rises.  HOWEVER, when my priorities are placed where they should be...when my eyes are focused on my Jesus...when I truly choose to trust that He has already designed my day in perfect fashion, then that "perfect peace" really does exist.  My day no longer becomes what I HAVE to do, but what I GET to do for Him. That's a whole lot more fun than living my day in dread of the "next" thing. 

So you know what?  I think I'm gonna leave that little blue sheet of rectangular paper on my window until it turns pale white in the sunshine and the paper begins to disintegrate from age.  I need...really NEED His remedies for my life.  I need His Word filling my life and my window panes.  I need it.  

Guess what?  You do, too.  We all do.  So, maybe you should find some really bright blue rectangular paper and print out that verse for your very own.  How funny would it be to find that verse in every window sill in the city?  I can guarantee, if that were the case, tense-filled shoulders and imprinted scowls would become the exception to the rule in our lives, instead of the norm.  

Thank You, Lord for Your Word that truly does speak to me, Your child.  Thank You that Your Word is always timely and knows just what I need, when I need it.  I praise You, Father.  Always.