Migration - it's GOT to be a God-thing! Year after year, creatures from the tiniest of birds to the largest of mammals trek their way, fly their way, and swim their way to a specific place at a specific time for a specific purpose. Some travel thousands and thousands of miles to arrive at a destination they may see for the first time, never even stopping to rest! They fight through raging storms, torrential waterfalls, heavy wind and various other obstacles, only to STILL arrive at their destination on time.
How do they do it? Well, God has placed within each of these creatures a sort of homing device called "instinct" to direct them to their appointed end. And scientists have determined - it works really well. I mean REALLY, REALLY well.
This homing device isn't something man-made or even something that man can duplicate. We can't even create a GPS system that is as accurate as the directional device implanted in the brains of these creatures. Pretty cool, huh?
I wish I had a homing device like that. I wish I had something that would push and drive me to my appointed end, giving me complete freedom to trust the destination will be exactly where I am supposed to be at a particular time for a particular purpose.
Guess what? I do! In fact, I have THE most accurate homing device. You do, as well, if you are a Believer. It's the actual Creator of the homing device - the Creator of animal instinct - God, Himself, with His Word as our Guide.
Just like He never lets a bird wonder where in the world to fly before the winter, God didn't leave us directionless. He chose to have human hands write down His Words, so that you and I would always know the direction to go and which paths to choose.
But do we really need His Word? Can't we just pray and ask God for direction? Yes. Yes, we can. We can pray. He actually tells us to do that - in His Word! However, prayer is just ONE of the ways God reveals His will to us - with His Word being the main way. Therefore, if we choose to neglect His Word, not following it intentionally and fervently, then we will miss the mark every time.
To illustrate this concept, try this. Stand at one corner of the room and focus on a specific point at the other end. Square your body to that object, so that you will come directly into contact with that object. Now, pivot your feet - just a little - to the right or to the left. This doesn't need to be a large adjustment. Just an inch or so should do it. Now, make a bee-line toward your object, but by walking in the new path you have chosen. Did you ever reach it? See what I mean? It only takes a little variation in your pathway to miss your directed end.
That's why God told Joshua in Joshua 1:7, "Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go."
Friend, God wants you to reach your expected end at the expected time for the expected purpose. He wants you to focus your attention on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith, not getting side-tracked to the right or to the left by bad things...or GOOD things. We don't often think of "good things" as things that redirect our paths, but any "good thing" that takes your eyes off of Christ, even for a little bit, ends up being a bad thing. Therefore, keep your gaze straight ahead...focused on Christ. Listen as the Spirit reveals God's pathways for you through His Word. Migrate properly through this life, holding onto the Word of God for every step.
Jesus, help me migrate this life, by revealing Yourself to me through Your Word. May I not turn to the right, nor to the left, but keep my eyes fixed on You, Lord.