Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Daddy Dance

The Daddy Dance...at least, that's what we called it.  Steve would walk through our front door, and KK - then, still in diapers - would throw her hands up and wiggle herself back and forth, just like a fish out of water!  No matter what was going on, when Daddy got home, everything stopped and she started.  It was her dance of joy, because she and her Daddy were together again.  Nothing else mattered.  Not me - not Mr. Rabbit - nothing.  Daddy was there.  Daddy was with her.  Life was good - no, great! 

Those were precious times.  Steve and I had conversations about how we would feel when the Daddy Dance became a thing of the past, and how sad it would be when it finally did. 

I must tell you - the dance DID stop...at least on the outside.  KK has grown up now and moved on to more mature things, like boys and phones.  But I can't help but think that her heart still jumps a beat when her Dad comes home.  You see, he loves her.  He cherishes time spent with her.  She is a treasure to him, and she knows it...for she is his daughter. 

That's why when I come across verses like Romans 5:15 that says, For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by Whom we cry out "Abba, Father," - my heart melts. 

You see, somewhere down the line, my heart grew up.  My "Daddy Dance" stopped, and I replaced the joy of my Father's presence with the fear of my Father's wrath.  I ran FROM Him, instead of TO Him.  I allowed my sin to fester and swell within me, instead of allowing myself the privilege of running to Him and letting Him cleanse me.  I secretly kept the burdens, instead of casting them on the One Who desires to take them from my tired shoulders and wipe the tears from my eyes. 

Even now, sometimes I find myself living again in the first part of that verse - the part about bondage and fear.  I see God as Judge - as the Great Father of the universe, Who convicts and condemns me in my sin.  Again, I find myself, actually running away FROM Him, instead of To Him.  

But that's NOT right thinking, is it?  Let me write that again, so you and I both can read it....that's NOT right thinking! 

All the condemnation and judgement I deserved was released the day Christ died.  Everything that could be held over my head - every sin that could be thrown up in my face by the evil one - every heart-stopping, depressing bout of guilt was released...removed...and accounted for on that day.  I merely had to believe that He did it for me...and it was done.  The guilt was gone.  The sin was gone.  The payment had been made.  

What I received in return for my belief, had nothing to do with the bondage the previous verse spoke about.  No longer did I have to fear the presence of the Lord.  Instead, He now cherished me as His child, and I could live in the joy that He was my Father - my Abba. 

And today....I'm choosing to celebrate that.  I'm choosing to celebrate my freedom to run to my Father - in my joy and in my sin.  I'm celebrating my right to be loved by God, as His child.

Won't you celebrate with me?  Won't you force out those feelings of inadequacy in His sight and just enjoy His presence?  Let's celebrate His presence!  Let's do the Daddy Dance together....okay? 

Here we go...one, two, three...one two three...one, two, three!!!

Thank You, Father...for being my Daddy...my Abba...my perfect Provider and Friend.  I celebrate simply being in Your presence today, as you child.  Thank You for loving me...for celebrating me...for enjoying my presence.  I love You, Father.  I love You, Abba.  I love You. 

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