Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Different Than We'd Expect, But Far Better Than We Could Ever Imagine

God's been in the providing business since the beginning of time, however, sometimes His providing looks a little different than what we'd expect it should.

Take Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Now, that's what I call provision. Yet when they sinned, God cast them out of that perfect place to work and scrounge for food for the rest of their lives. That doesn't seem like provision to us, but if you notice, even in the painful act of eviction, God brought provision.

For you see, Adam and Eve had already eaten of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They had already tasted it's fruit and found it delightful to the palate. It was at that point the Tree of Life became a forbidden tree. If Adam and Eve had stayed in the Garden in their condemned state and then eaten of the Tree of Life, they would eternally be bound in sin. They would live forever in their darkened state, and so would we. God's provision was their eviction. It was different than what they expected, but better than what they could have imagined.

How 'bout Jonah? You know, I thought for most of my life that Jonah was being punished by God when that giant of a fish swallowed him whole. Imagine the stench of rotting fish AND of your own body as it sat decaying in the stomach acid. Death by acid...not a way to go!

Yet, once again, my idea of God's provision is much different than reality. For if Jonah hadn't been swallowed by a giant fish, he would have drowned in the sea, never to be heard from again. Ninevah would probably have been wiped off the face of the earth and all the people of the city condemned...if it hadn't been for Jonah's nights with the fish! God's provision was different than what Jonah expected, but better than what he could have ever imagined.

I'll give you one more example, and this is the Mac Daddy of all! Jesus Christ, the King of kings, entered our world as an infant wrapped in pieces of cloth and laid to sleep in a stinky cattle manger, all for our salvation. He lived a poor man's life and died a convicted man's death. God's provision - different than we'd expect, but better than we could ever have imagined.

How 'bout you? Do you have a "different" provision testimony, as well? Can you remember a time in your life when you prayed and prayed for something to happen, and it didn't...only to be grateful later on down the road that it didn't? Or are you in one of those moments right now when you are struggling to see God's provision in your circumstances? Let me encourage you...sometimes God doesn't provide in the way we want Him to or think He should, but that doesn't mean that He's not providing. He is in the midst of your circumstances, giving you the best He has to offer. He knows what you need and when you need it. He's aware of your painful struggle and wants to help heal you through it. My friend, He is good. He is trustworthy. He is able.

Oh, and yes, sometimes His ways of providing for us are a little different than what we'd expect, but I can promise you, they are far better than we could ever imagine.

Lord, I pray for the person reading this that you would reveal Yourself to them in a very personal way today...that You would shock them with Your reality and that You would provide more than they could ever imagine. Give them strength to wait. Give them patience as they trust You. We thank You, God, that You are our Provider. We praise You Father...praise You.

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