Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Be It Unto Me

Be it unto me, according to your word. Those were words of surrender spoken by a young 13 or 14 year old girl over 2,000 years ago. Mary uttered those words after the Angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her that she was to be Jesus' mother. Now, before we get some vision in our head of how awesome and glorious that life would be - mother of the Savior of the world - let's stop and think about how difficult this calling would be for her.

First of all, consider the complications of Mary's new-found identity. Can you imagine having to tell your Mom and Dad the news that you were pregnant with God's Son? Can you imagine their response? Her parents probably thought she was crazy and that she was trying to cover up some disobedient behavior.

What about Mary's friends and peers? How do you think they responded to the news of her being unmarried and yet, pregnant? I'll tell you what. That news is a lot different today, than it was back then. In Jesus' day, being unmarried and pregnant was shunned. I'm pretty sure Mary was teased and ridiculed harshly for a long time...as was her Son.

Finally, think about Joseph. Unlike the other two scenarios, we know how he responded, don't we? Scripture says that when she told him, he didn't want to marry her. Humanly speaking, who could blame him? However, after a visit from the Angel Gabriel, he changed his tune.

I think we just fly past all those complications Mary had to endure when we think about her visit with the angel. Instead, we picture her life as being full of dignity and honor. In our mind's eye, it's only at the cross that we picture her as anything less than pleased with life. In reality though, Mary's new found identity, gave her very little dignity and honor - at least here on this earth.

With that in mind, let's look back at Mary's response to the angel. Behold the maidservant of the Lord. Be it unto me according to your word. Her response - she didn't flinch. She didn't complain about becoming an outcast in her hometown. She didn't ask the angel to tell God to wait until she had gotten married, so all of this wouldn't look so bad. No, in complete trust and with TOTAL surrender, Mary gave her life over to God to use as He desired, whether that meant a difficult road ahead or not.

Can you honestly say those words with Mary? I'll admit I have a difficult time saying them, myself. Instead, my phrase sounds something life this - Be it unto me, Lord, according to Your Word, as long as it makes me happy and keeps me comfortable.

I hope I'm the only one who thinks stuff like that, but if I'm not, let's make a deal. This year for Christmas, let's give Jesus a gift - the gift of a trusting, believing, surrendered heart. Let's make be it unto me, according to Your Word, the motto of our hearts, regardless of our happiness or comfort.

Be it unto me, Jesus. I trust that You are good. I trust that You love me. I trust You are doing what's best for me. I trust You are molding me into the image of Christ. I surrender, Jesus. I surrender.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Come to Me

Humor me for a moment. Let’s say this past year’s been tough for you and your family. It’s taken everything you have just to muster enough courage to continue on “doing life.” Your patience is wearing thin, but you’re banking on your vacation to give you a little rest from the rest of the world.

Before you know it, it’s here. It’s finally here. Your bags are packed, your tank is full, and you’re on your way. As you’re driving along, out of nowhere you see this amazing place: palm trees swaying in the wind, exotic birds and butterflies floating through the air. There’s even a huge waterfall spilling over the side of a lush embankment. This place seems almost magical.

You pull in, knowing there’s no way you can afford to stay, but wouldn’t it be great if you could? You get out of your car, close the door, and strangely feel as if the world is new again. Hope surges within you, and you find yourself whispering, “Please don’t wake up. Please don’t wake up.”

As you walk into the lobby, the smell of coffee and chocolate fills the air, and the bubbling sound of running water draws you in, even deeper. What a perfect place. What an amazing place to spend some down-time. What an impossible dream in the midst of your reality.

All of the sudden, someone touches your shoulder, and you’re jolted back into your reality. With a smile on his face, he asks, “Can I help you?” You smile back politely and say, “I don’t think so, but I wish you could!” The attendant laughs and asks a little more intently this time, “Can I help you?” With hesitation in your voice, you turn your head and say, “How much is your smallest room here? I would love to stay. I really NEED to stay, but I don’t think I can afford it. Besides, I’ll bet you’re probably booked already.” The attendant shakes his head and says, “Well, you might be surprised. We have very few people staying here this evening. Don’t get me wrong, we have people come in here all the time. They stand around and look at all the things we have to offer…the spa, the heated indoor pool, the weight room with a personal trainer. Yet, for some reason, they always walk out. They don’t even ask to see a room. It seems they’re intrigued by this place and really want to be here, but they never end up staying. That always amazes me. It can’t be the cost of the room, either. You see, a long time ago, the owner of this place decided that everyone should be able to have a place of rest…a place where they could go to find renewed strength for their journey. So, the owner created this place. “Free for the weary,” has always been his motto. It’s all free…free to anyone who wants or needs it. But the strange this is, few people really ever stay around long enough to accept the offer. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you are looking for a place to stay, these doors are open. Cost is not a consideration. That’s already been taken care of. You just have to choose to accept the offer.

With enthusiasm and anticipation practically taking over every fiber of your being, you ask, “Does that mean I can stay?” Beaming from ear to ear, the young man answers, “Please do! Come, I have just the place for you.”

“Come,” Jesus says, “Come.” Why don’t we get it? He’s given us an open invitation to come and rest, yet instead we look at Him in our wishful thinking and sadly turn away. Is it because we think it’ll cost us too much? Is it because we don’t feel worthy to be at rest? I don’t know, but I do know that Christ says, “Come. Come; enjoy the beautiful place of rest. Come; enjoy taking those heavy burdens off your shoulders. You weren't designed to carry those anyway. Come;" Jesus says,"Let Me show you to your room.”

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Real Joy has Nothing to do with Chocolate and Everything to do with Choice!

I've made a decision. It's been a long hard road for me and my canister of chocolate chips, but I've finally come to the conclusion that joy...real joy...has nothing to do with chocolate. It's a choice; simply a choice.

That thought twirled around and around in my brain the other night. Our ladies' group at Selma Baptist was having a meeting and there were so many women in attendance that the owner of the home ran out of seats for everyone. So I squeezed my way into the dining room, found a comfortable spot against the wall, sat down and stretched out my aching leg.

It was actually kinda nice - being on the floor. I was hidden from most of the crowd, which afforded me the opportunity to really focus on what was being said, instead of focusing on what I looked like while my friend said it! I closed my eyes, many times, confessing my own ungratefulness of the day...confessing my own lack of true thankfulness for all the Lord has done for me, to me and in me.

As this beautiful lady spoke of being diagnosed with cancer and the treatments that followed, you could feel the whole room hanging on her every word. Ginger Smith told us stories of how God had intricately woven her life together and how He had ministered to her over and over again the last couple of years. She told us how the prayer blanket that the ladies' group had given her had touched not only her life, but the lives of those around her in the treatment center. She talked about how cold it gets sometimes when she takes off her wig and how funny it is when people comment on how good her hair looks, thinking she's gotten it trimmed.

We all just sat there...listening...sympathizing...rejoicing in her life. And as we sat there, we could sense (at least I think I wasn't the only one) that there was something truly different about this lady. It wasn't her cancer...many people have that. It wasn't her chemo treatments or even her wig. I have to say, the thing that grabbed most of us by the throat and shook us to tears had nothing to do with THINGS, with the circumstances of a hard life. Instead, it had everything to do with Jesus and what He can do in the life of one of His kids who has chosen to NOT take every day for granted...who has chosen to NOT accept anything less than joy...who has NOT chosen to let something as heartbreaking as cancer, break her spirit.

Oh that I would be more like my friend and every day make the determination in my heart that "This is the day the Lord hath made. We (I) will rejoice and be glad in it." (Ps. 118:24)

Lord, help me do that today and everyday for the rest of my life...to CHOOSE to find joy in my day...purpose in my heart to seek it out...simply because it is the day You have given, and I should choose to rejoice in it.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I am thankful today..thankful that my God is with me...that He is mighty to save me and takes great delight in who I am. I am thankful that He quiets me with His love and beyond my comprehension, rejoices over me with singing.

I am thankful that I can lie down and rest in peace tonight for He is with me.

I am thankful that He doesn't reward me according to my sin and the gunk in my life, nor does He punish me in my iniquity. I am thankful that He made Jesus who knew no sin, to be sin for me so that I can be the righteousness of God through Christ...that there is no condemnation for me in Christ Jesus.

I am thankful that He alone is my Defender and surrounds me as with a shield.

I am thankful that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.

I am thankful that He hears me...He sees me...He knows me...and He loves me anyway. I am thankful...truly thankful.

What about you?