Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Will You Have a Husky in the Morning?
This morning during breakfast, my little one reminded me of a quote that I read on Facebook a couple of days ago. He, of course, never saw the quote, but I did...and it stuck. I can’t remember who posted it or what time of day I saw it, but the words and their meanings will forever be etched in my memory. Now this is probably not word-for-word, but I think you’ll get the point:  

What if you awoke tomorrow with just the things you thanked God for today?

For me, that quote hit home. If the tables were turned and the statement said, “What if you awoke tomorrow with just the things you asked God for today,” then my life might be pretty rich. But I’m afraid I would be a little - no, a lot lacking in the vital necessities of life, if the statement remained the same.

This morning, as Seth prayed, I was reminded of the statement once again. He, (as usual) began his prayer thanking God for all the people that He had made. He thanked God for the trees and the dogs...for all the animals in the world...for Huskies...for birds...for making the moon...and his family. Prayers like this one from him, go on and on and most of the time, they are prayers of thanksgiving. If that quote came true, my little boy would have everything he loved and needed - and SOOO much more, right down to the Husky!

To my shame, I’ve already “fessed up” and said that I would be pretty desperate. What about you? What would your life look like if you had only those things around you today that you thanked God for yesterday? Would your life be filled to the brim and overflowing? Would you, too, have a Husky? Or would you be wandering the streets, desperately searching for the bare essentials like me? I tell you what...let’s not be lacking in the area of thankfulness.

God tells us that we are to be thankful in everything...for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thess. 5:18. (NAS). He tells us that for many reasons. It’s not just because He wants to hear our thanksgiving, but it’s also because He knows what it does for us. It reminds us of how blessed we truly are. It reminds us WHERE those blessings come from. It focuses our attention away from ourselves and to the One who is the Giver of all good gifts. Being thankful lifts our spirits, our countenances, and our moods. He knows that, so in His wisdom, He commands us to do it. It is, after all, God’s will for us in Christ Jesus.

So, right now, think of...and thank God for at least 10 things in your life that He has graciously provided for you. Go ahead, and do it. I’m not writing any more until you do!

Okay, now, throughout the day, make a conscious effort to tell Him “Thank you.” When you wash your hands, tell Him “Thank You” for the hot water. When you eat your dinner, tell Him, “Thank You” for His provision. When you lay your head down at night, tell Him, “Thank You” for a place to sleep and for the sleep that will come...and if it doesn’t come, just think...you have the rest of the night to ponder things to thank God for!  

Dearest Jesus, we do thank You for everything. You have given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. You have given us, most importantly, eternal life. You have given us breath in our lungs and air to breathe. I could go on and on Lord, for You know my heart. Help me to be ever thankful today...more than yesterday, and not as much as tomorrow. I love you, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You.

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