Monday, July 1, 2013

Young Earth - Old Earth - What Does It Really Matter???

I just have to tell you this...

The other day my little six-year-old was trying to explain to me how old something was.  I can't remember the exact item in question, but I can definitely remember how he used his words to articulate the depth of his seriousness in "dating" this thing.  He began by telling me - well, here - let me just quote what he said: "Mom, it's older than you (dramatic pause)...and dad (dramatic pause)...and Grandpa (dramatic pause)...and Papa (dramatic pause)."  And then with big eyes and an intensity in his voice that made me know he was as serious as a little boy can get, he said, "Like the 90's." 

Now, everything in me wanted to laugh out loud in hysteria, but I didn't want to make light of his "dating process."  I did, eventually, tell him that I was born a little earlier than the "90's," but I didn't tell him HOW MUCH earlier.

Seth got his point across.  Whatever "it" was OLD.  He just had his dates a little confused, which threw everything else into question.   

Well, yesterday, we had a Creation Scientist come speak at our church, and I wish you could have been there.  Steve Levinson had some things to say about the current way scientists date something (how they tell how old something is), as well as the problems associated with their calculations.  You see, they - along with most all the media - say that the earth is millions of years old.  Our school textbooks tell our children that.  The History Channel tells us that.  Even the PBS Channel tells us that.  It just has to be true, doesn't it?  And even if it's not true, does it really matter if it isn't? 

I used to think it wasn't a big deal.  In reality, I just never thought about it.  I accepted the old age of the earth, just like I accepted the fact that chlorophyll causes plants to turn green.  But as I've gotten older and a little more inquisitive, I've come to realize that it really does matter.  It really does matter that the earth is NOT millions of years old and that the dating process most scientists now employ is flawed.  Want to know HOW it matters?  I'm glad you've asked. 

As a Christian, who believes the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, the dating of the earth is a HUGE deal.  If what the secular scientists say is true - then, the earth is millions of years old, and plants and animals died LONG before man ever came on the scene.  How is this "old earth" theory detrimental to my faith?  Well, if you remember, the Bible says that before the Fall, there was NO death.  Death entered the world, only AFTER Adam and Eve sinned.  So, in saying that death occurred BEFORE the Fall of man, these scientists are refuting the Word of essence calling it inaccurate and against science.  If that's the case - that Scripture is wrong on the timing of when death entered the world - then Scripture can be wrong about other things.  Maybe there was no resurrection...maybe the death of Jesus was all just a hoax...maybe there is no such thing as Heaven and Hell. 

Can I scream on this page through ink - NOT! 

There is NO error in Scripture.  The error is in human abilities.   

Another point in question is that if these fossils were millions of years old, then why are scientists finding soft tissues and blood cells encapsulated in T-Rex bones?  Surely, science would say that after being baked in the desert for millions of years, those things would have become fossilized themselves or of the two.

Now, if you think I'm taking this way too far and am way too concerned about this issue, then think about this.  Mr. Levinson said yesterday that 85% of our youth who have grown up in church, leave church once they graduate high school and NEVER COME BACK.  THEY NEVER COME BACK.  If you are a Believer, that should alarm you. Could it be that one day, some professor somewhere told them that their ideas about the Bible account of creation was wrong...that there was error in the Word of God?   Could it be that they didn't have the knowledge to give a rebuttal, a defense for why they believed Scripture to be accurate? Could it be that they were never taught how to question science or defend what they believed to be Truth?  Could it be that sadly they accepted what they heard from their "wise elders" and tossed away their former belief system?
Could it be?

I hope not, but probably so.

I'm not trying to scare you about science.  I love science.  I always have.  But I am trying to get the message out - just like our friend Mr. Levinson - that we need to open our eyes to the things that secular scientists are feeding us.  We need to stop accepting things as truth that are merely speculations or theories, especially if they don't line up with the Word.  Instead we need to be able to speak intelligently about scientific things.  We need to study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (II Timothy:15).  We need to revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (I Peter 3:15).

You know, I still watch those TV channels on occasion, and I still take my kids to the museum.  But because of what I've seen in the past couple of years and because I was reminded of it again yesterday, now when we watch those programs and when we see those amazing exhibits, I will be a little more cautious and questioning.  I will make more of an intentional effort to ensure that my kids know how to explain science in light of the Truth, and that they know how to defend what they believe scientifically.   
I could go on and on all day, but I have got to get out of this chair and fix my family breakfast!  So, for those of you who are interested...for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about...or for those of you who want to know more about how to defend your faith by using science, I urge you to visit the Answers in Genesis' website: www.  They have great videos and intriguing articles that will keep you updated and informed on the latest discoveries and news in the scientific world, as well as give you information on how this affects you and how to defend your faith in the light of what you know.  

Jesus, help me to be passionate about the things You are passionate about.  Help me distinguish between Truth and falsehood and to be smart about it.  Give me wisdom to study to show myself approved to be a good student of Your Word, as well as a good defender of the faith.  Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You.   

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