Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Meantime

In all my "free time," I am currently reading a book...which is why it has taken me approximately 2 years to get half-way through! Yet, God's timing is perfect.  He didn't want me to read past this particular section until the time was right.  And the other night, the time was right.  

I needed to hear what this author had to say about waiting.  The book is called Wednesday's Were Pretty Normal by Michael Kelley. You really should read it, if you get a chance...and even if you don't.  Make "a chance."  

Kelley's very young son had cancer.  This book is about the battle through the cancer, plus what happens in the "waiting."  At least that's what I call it.  He uses a different word: 


I think I like this better.   

As the book progresses, the reader notices that Kelley's battle isn't just with the cancer that is invading the body of his child.  It isn't just with the financial strain and emotional strain that come from switching jobs and living in and out of a hospital.  It's a record of his spiritual battle, and the beautiful things that come from his "meantime." 

One of the things that ministered to me the other night was his chapter on "Hope."  Kelley writes of needing more "hope" than just for the future health of his son.  He felt there must be hope in the "meantime."  You know, the time between disease and ultimate healing.  That's when God led him to Jeremiah 29:11-13: "'For I know the plans that I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to give you a future and a hope.'"  

God showed Kelley that in the "meantime," there was indeed, lots of hope, for even though he was waiting, God was NOT.  Instead, God was busy...very busy.  The Creator of these once perfect, but now sin-damaged, frail bodies was in the process of weaving a tapestry of beautiful patterns and threads into something that would scream His name when it was all over.  God was active...while Kelley waited.   

Maybe that's good new for you today.  Maybe that's a good reminder, as it was for me the other night.  God isn't waiting, as you are.  He isn't sitting twiddling His thumbs while you suffer patiently.  God is busy.  He's working.  He's actively involved in your situation.  He hasn't forgotten you exist, nor has He ever taken His hand off your life.  

He's busy in your meantime, my friend...and in mine, too.  

Thank You, God, for the reminder that You aren't watching me wait.  You are busy orchestrating a beautiful plan out of my life that will bring You glory...and that's what I want...Your glory.  Thank You, Father.  Thank You.   

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