Sunday, April 23, 2017

Definitely NOT Worthless Bread

I wonder sometimes if we are more like the Israelites in the Old Testament than we like to admit.

I'm considering this today in response to Numbers 21:4, 5: "Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way.  And the people spoke against God and against Moses;  'Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?  For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread.'"

I read this and the first thing that comes to mind is "OH MY STARS!" (That's what we say in Mississippi when we are totally taken aback by shocking events.)

How could they do that?  How could the slavery-freed Israelites gripe at God about the journey on which He was personally leading them?  Even more, how could they call God's perfect provision - God's perfect food (manna) - "worthless?"  This "bread" provided all the nutrients, protein, vitamins, etc...that the people would ever need.  God even made it sweet.  He could have created it to taste like that liquid medicine pharmacists flavor, just so it continues to go down and not come back up!  But no...only the best for His kids.

So how did it come to this?  How did the Israelites go from singing God's praises one minute to criticizing His leading and His gifts the next?  

I think it may have something to do with choice.  It says the Israelites were discouraged in their souls. I can see how that could happen.  Their lives WERE difficult.  They had sand in their shoes and no place to call home.  They probably stopped focusing on where they were going and started focusing on where they were - in the desert - hot, sweaty, and feeling abandoned.

Don't we do the same thing?  God does something incredible in our lives - something that only He could do - and before you know it, we are questioning His plans and His provision.  We focus on our surroundings, not on Him.

Well today, I for one, don't want to be lumped into same category as the Old Testament-wandering Israelites.  I'd much rather be found fulling trusting of God's provision in my wilderness and thankful for His glorious-tasting manna.

Won't you join me?  

God, I am yours.  You have chosen to place me in this path, and I am thankful - thankful for Your provision and Your placement.  You know best, Father, and I surrender to Your will with gratitude and excitement.  I love You.  

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