Sunday, October 23, 2016

Doing Good

"I wish I was rich," said my ten year old.  We were gazing at a Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift magazine while gobbling down some freshly cooked chicken nuggets and french fries.  As I turned the pages, he asked questions.  "Why would they need chickens?"  "How much does it cost to feed the baby?"  On and on the questions continued.  I saw his little mind's wheels turning.  "I don't have any money, " he said.  To which I reminded him that he could do jobs around the house to make a few dollars.

Finally, he announced, "I wish I was rich."  Curious, I asked why.  His answer was warming.  He replied, "Because if I was rich, I could buy 30 of all those things in that magazine."

Now, as you can imagine, he wasn't saying that he would buy baby chicks, goats and food for himself.  Instead, if he were rich, he would utilize his money to supply necessities to the faces of women, men and children he saw on those pages - 30x over.

I think we all feel that way, don't we?  At least, I think we should.  As Believers, we want to help.  Sometimes, we just don't know how to do it, who to contact, or where to go.  Samaritan's Purse, I'm sure, would be THRILLED to send you a magazine, to help give you ideas and ways that you can help elsewhere in the world.

Yet, right now in Eastern NC, we need help.  Johnston County has been hit hard with flooding.  People in our cities are living desperate, moment-by-moment lives.  Many can't return to their homes because of the damage.  Others have lost everything, due to no flood insurance...and we don't need a magazine to see pictures.  All we have to do is ride around and glance out the windows of our cars. 

Because of this, I am asking for your help.  We received an e-mail from Sandy Wood of the Johnston County Emergency Services.  She asked that we get the word out to people who are affected by Hurricane Matthew.  She said many don't even know they can receive assistance through FEMA representatives right now.  The address is 912 N Brightleaf Boulevard in Smithfield, and the hours of operation are Monday - Saturday, 9am -7pm and Sunday 12-5.  Here, victims can pick up food, cleaning supplies, water and other items, and YOU can donate those items at this same address.

Another way to help is through the Baptist Men of North Carolina.  They need volunteers to assist with cleanup over the long term.  They ask that you continue to pray, go and give.  

In this ministry, mud-out and tear-out volunteers are needed in the Lumberton area, Fayetteville area, Warsaw area, Windsor Area, Red Springs, Goldsboro, Greenville, Hope Mills and Kings area.  Other locations will be open soon.  For more information, visit and click on the "volunteer now" button. 

If you would like to make a contribution, please make your check payable to N.C. Baptist men/Baptists on Mission and designate the check to Hurricane Matthew Disaster Relief.  Mail to : NCBM, PO Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512.

In light of these opportunities, let's not just "wish" we were rich.  Let's instead, reach out as the arms and Jesus and utilize the supplies and strengths He's given us to make a difference. 

Galatians 6:9-10 says, "Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially the household of faith. 

Jesus, there are so many people with so many needs and yet, You know them.  You know what they really need and how to provide that for them.  Please use me to relieve the burdens of those around me.  May You receive the glory. 

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