Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hot Wheels' Cars and Big Brown Eyes

As I watched, I begin to feel a tightness build in my throat.  Then, it happened.  The tears began to fill my eyes.  I hadn't expected to cry while watching this video, but I couldn't help it.

This Operation Christmas Child video flashed pictures of children from other countries opening their gift boxes.  The excitement and joy on their faces did this old country girl's heart good.  I was actually smiling at the faces of the children, until the face of one little boy caught my attention.

He was a normal child.  He didn't seem poor or malnourished.  He seemed content and happy.  I guess he was about the age of my youngest son, which of course, drew me in a little deeper.  

His eyes, though, told a story I will never forget.  I can't tell you the last time I saw pure astonishment in the eyes of a child.  It was precious.  His eyes were huge disks that covered most of his face. He sat there, holding one of the little toys in his shoe box, staring at it as if it were his most prized possession.  As he tilted it back and forth, his eyes became bigger and bigger.  He was truly in a Hot Wheels car.  It wasn't even one of the fancy ones with all the bells and whistles.  I don't even know if it was a true "Hot Wheels" brand.  It was one color.  It was simple.  And yet, to this little boy, it was the most valuable thing he'd ever had in his life.

I immediately began to think of the multiple Hot Wheel's vehicles my sons have had over the years and how they now are stored in a bin somewhere, remaining untouched for an untold amount of time. I thought of all the other "things" in my life that would create eyes of astonishment in the faces of so many other people.  And I began to be really convicted about "My Shoeboxes."  You know, the ones that I will be sending out to children all over the world this year.

I thought about how I needed to pray over the boxes and the items before I buy them.  I have done that before, but I will pray more specifically and intentionally now.  I will ask that God show me the exact items needing to be placed in those matter the cost. I will pray that He uses those items - even though they are just things - to reach some child or some Mom and Dad for Jesus.  I will pray that God blesses that child's family above and beyond all that they could ever ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20).  And I will thank God that as I we give as a family...that He will do something within the lives of my own children to draw them to Himself and astonish them with Himself.

I challenge you...if you have never put together a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child, make this the year that you do.  Go online to and watch a few of these videos yourself.  You might see my little friend with the Hot Wheel's car.

Make sure to check out the information about the box contents, as well, to assure that all your items make it into the arms of a child. Then, pray.  Pray as I have said, or pray for other things as God directs.  Whatever the case, if you are able, fill a shoe box for Jesus...and for the astonishment of a child.

Thank You, Father for allowing me this simple opportunity to give. Thank You that You delight in my gift and so does the child that will receive it.  Thank You, Father.  

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