Tuesday, June 19, 2012

School's Not Really Out...It's Always In

28 “ Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  Matt. 11:28-30

I love these verses.  Those of you who read my writing on a consistent basis, know that I do!  When I found them years ago, it was the first section caught my attention the most:  "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest."  But it hasn't been until the last couple of years, that the next verse in that passage has truly become a treasure to me in learning, not just about rest, but truly how to find it. 

Recently, one simple phrase from those verses has visited my mind over and over again.  I hear it in my spirit when I'm frustrated.  I hear it when my temper flares.  I hear it when my day is oh soooo long.  Learn from Me.  Christ says, Learn from Me.  

Sounds like I'm back in school, doesn't it?  Well, maybe that's because I am!  By using this phrase, Christ is trying to get me to understand that in order to receive the peace I so greatly desire, I have to do some homework.  It's not good enough to simply get up and spend time with Him in the morning before life starts.  This relationship - my surrendering to His lessons - has to be an all day long thing.  I have to put pencil to paper - for peace.  I have to learn from Him.  

I've found the main help in learning from Christ consists of recognizing when my relationship with Him is in jeopardy.  I'm not talking about eternal security.  I'm talking about recognizing when sin is crouching at my door and about to pounce on me, thus hindering my ability to hear my Father's Words and let Him teach me.  

For example, when I feel myself getting frustrated, and I hear those sweet Words of His - learn from Me - I CHOOSE to submit my anger to Him.  I literally tell Him that I am angry, and I am sorry for my anger.  I tell Him in my mind - and sometimes out loud - that my heart is not right before Him, and I need help.  I submit myself.  I  bow my head and relinquish my right to myself.  And when my anger subsides, I know I have learned from Him.  That's when peace abounds and anger is replaced.  It's strange indeed, but oh so amazingly true.  

So I ask you today...are you learning from Him?  Are you filled with the peace God promises or with frustration and anger?  Then let me encourage you, to ask God for ears to hear Him.  Ask Him to show you the sin that so easily entangles you.  Ask Him to help you learn from Him, and then join me in study hall, and we'll do our homework together!  

Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You that You love to teach us Your will through Your Word.  Thank You that You have provided ever instruction for godly living that we will ever need.  Thank You that as we follow these instructions and learn from You, Your peace abounds in us.  We love You, Jesus.  We love You. 

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