Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bring Him to Me

Christmas trees strung with brilliant lights...gifts given and received...children's eyes shining brightly with the anticipation of Christmas morning... 

It should be a time of joy and gladness for all involved...at least it SHOULD be that way.  As we gather with family and friends, our love for one another SHOULD abound, and any hard feelings SHOULD disappear.  But that's not always how it happens, is it?

Christmas for some is a drudgery, because they know they'll have to see "him" or "her" again.   Now, I am by no means trying to lessen the emotions that come along with a damaged heart, but I am saying that it's sad that we often find ourselves concentrating so much on those broken relationships at Christmas, that we often forget the most important relationship - Christ coming as a Babe to be Emmanuel - God with us!

So, for those who will struggle this year in their "going home," I've got a plan for you.  This year, decide ahead of time not to dwell on and dread the reuniting of your family and friends, but take joy in what the Lord can do when we bring those relationships to Him.

Not too long ago, I was reading my Bible, and the Lord showed me something I'd never seen before.   He actually was speaking directly to a relationship issue, haunting me at the time, but I would never have guessed He would have chosen this particular passage to do it.  After all, this passage seemingly had nothing to do with my situation.  Isn't it amazing how God takes something from His Word and applies it to our lives in many different ways?

To bring the context into focus, I'll tell you that Jesus had just taken Peter, James, and John with Him to a mountaintop, where they experienced the amazing transfiguration of Christ.  The rest of the disciples were at the bottom, waiting for them to return.  During this time, evidently, a father brought his son to the disciples, hoping they would be able to heal him of his epileptic fits.  They were not.  When Jesus and the three others returned from the mountain, the father fell on his knees before Christ and said:  "Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic and is very ill; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not cure him” (Matt. 17:14-16).  Jesus answered and said, “You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me" (v. 17).

This father desperately wanted healing for his child.  He wanted more than anything to not have to worry over his son's health every minute of every day.  The situation, I am sure, seemed impossible to him, UNTIL he heard about Jesus.  Christ was his last ray of hope.  So, he grabbed his son and off they went to find this Man who others had said had the power of healing.  Imagine the disappointment he must have felt when he found the disciples, but not Jesus.  They, of course, tried to heal the boy, but could not.  I wonder if the demon began to torment the child, right before their eyes, so that the disciples became fearful and lost faith in the power of Christ.  Whatever the case, they could not heal him.

So, when Jesus returned, the father was desperate.  His situation looked hopeless.  All he could see was more torment for him and his child and the rest of the family.    It seemed impossible to fix this mess...and it SHOULD have been.  But then, Jesus said, "Bring him to Me."

"Bring him to Me." 

At the time I read this, I didn't need Jesus to heal my son.  I didn't need Jesus to drive out a demon in my life.  But what I did need was for Jesus to do something I thought might be impossible - that I thought was hopeless.  I needed Him to heal a relationship.  I needed light and hope in the midst of a seemingly dark situation...and He said, "Bring him to Me."

It struck me as so simple, and yet so powerful, that I did.  I gave that relationship over to the One who could fix it.  And ever since that day, when I feel fearful and stressed out about other relationships in my life - whether it be with my friends, my family, my children - I once again, hear the Spirit speak, "Bring him to Me."

For you, it might not be a "him."  Sometimes, it's a "her."  It might not be your relationship with your child.  Then again, it might.  Whatever the gender or whatever the case, Jesus wants to speak healing into that relationship.  He wants to do the impossible, just when it seems all hope is lost.

So this Christmas, if you find yourself in "dread mode," or simply bearing with "him" or with "her," remember to take the active role and bring that person to Christ in prayer.  Bring that relationship to Him and ask Him to heal it and transform it into something that will glorify Him.  Ask Him to change your heart FIRST and purify your motives.  Ask Him to heal the brokenness.  And then watch, as the Author of love and power, Himself, does amazing things - impossible things - in you...and in "him" or "her."

That's just the way it SHOULD be.  : )

Dearest Jesus...change us this Christmas.  Change us today.  Help us lift our difficult relationships to You in trust and belief that You alone can change them.  We've tried, Lord, and it doesn't work for us.  But You, oh You, can do miraculous and marvelous things for us, if we but give ourselves and our relationships to You.  We can't wait to see what You do this Christmas!  Happy Birthday, Jesus!  


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