Monday, February 11, 2013

Whose Responsibility is It Anyway?

"Come to Me, all ye who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest,"  (Matthew 11:28).

Okay, I've got a pop quiz for you.  There's only one question, so you probably need to know the answer to get a good grade in my class - aren't you glad you're not in MY class! 

The question is:  Who said that?  Who was it that spoke those words of encouragement and conviction at the top of the page? 

Yep...I knew you knew the answer.  That's why I asked it to begin with!  It WAS Jesus...ding, ding, ding...and aren't you glad it was Him?! 

I'll bet I could say those words to you, and it wouldn't have quite the same effect.  You probably would smile politely and then check my forehead for a fever.  Why?  Why would it be so strange for me to think that I could give you rest from your struggles? 

And yet again, you have the correct answer...ding, ding, ding.  I AM human.   I'm not perfect.   No matter how desperately I would hope to give you complete rest, I would never be able to.  I might try.  I might see you exhausted and stress-sticken and be so compelled by your situation that I invite you over for a cup of tea.  I might ask you to make yourself at home.  I might give you chocolate and make you homemade cookies.  If I'm desperate enough...I might even call Dr. Phil for some wisdom and advice....NOT! 

That's not to say that those things wouldn't bring SOME amount of comfort and rest.  After all, who wouldn't be comforted by a chocolate chip cookie!  But no matter how good the cookies are, or how warm and tasty the tea, or how comfy and sleep-inducing the couch - you won't find real comfort...real rest...with me.  Even if I desperately desire it FOR you, I could never give it TO you.  I wasn't meant to.  It's not my RESPONSIBILITY.  It's not even within my ABILITY.  Comfort and rest come from only one place and only One person...Jesus Christ. 

Sometimes, I forget that.  I forget that people can't supply my rest and ease.  It's all my husband's fault (I'm kidding, you know!).  He's so wonderful to me that I go to him for everything! 

(Happy Birthday, by the way, Steve!) 

You see, Steve has always showered me with his affection, with his love, with everything he could possibly afford.  I seriously have to be careful about saying what I want, because my husband will go out and get it for me immediately.  I can't even joke about wanting a new car, without his eyes getting large and hopeful...thinking he could make my world a better place, with simply a drive into town! 

For all of you who think that must be heaven - it is, but there's also a warning attached to this bottle of "heavenliness."  Because of Steve's willingness to "comfort" me and provide me with rest, I put all my eggs in one proverbial basket and find myself EXPECTING that from him.  I EXPECT him to provide relief on the hard days.  I EXPECT him to make my life easier and less stressful.  I EXPECT him to know just what to say to make me feel assured and joyful, instead of confused and bewildered. 

I EXPECT him to provide my rest. 

See the problem with that? 

Now, don't get me wrong.  God gave my husband to me, and I am unbelievably grateful and thankful.  He knew Steve would be a perfect match for this little girl from Mississippi.  God knew that she would need someone caring and gentle...someone who desired her to not only have the best, but be the best she could be.  So, God gave me Steve as a gift - to enrich my life here on earth - to walk hand in hand with me during the good times and the bad - to be His human touch in my life.  However, God never intended me to transfer HIS responsibility over to my husband.  He never intended for Steve to be able to give me the rest I crave.  He never intended for anyone, but Himself to provide lasting rest.

"Come to Me"...not come to Steve...not come to your neighbor...not come to your boss...not come to your job...not even come to your find rest.  Christ says "Come to Me...and I will give you rest." 

And in response to His command...I come. 

Dear Jesus,  help ME heed that call today.  Help me to hear You pleading for me to come to come to You and find everything that I could ever possibly need or want for this life.  Thank You, Lord, that you provide that.  You provide my relief, as well as my rest.  You are good to me.  Thank You, Jesus for the invitation.  Thank You.   

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