Friday, August 2, 2013

What if???

What if?  

That phrase seems to always conjure up ideas and thoughts of dreams misplaced and hopes destroyed.  As the phrase crosses our lips, we often look back over our lives with sadness and a sense that things could have been better "if."  

I think we need to take a closer look into this discouraging phrase and speak some truth into it - some life.  "What if?" is not always reminiscent of good things, gone bad.  Sometimes the "what ifs" in our lives are reminiscent of bad things, gone good. 

What in the world could that possibly mean?  I'm glad you asked. 

Take the Joseph for example.  The Bible tells us he was sold into slavery by his brothers, accused falsely by his Egyptian master's wife, and left in prison to rot for two years, while the man that he helped set free, forgot him.  

 Let's just "what if" for a moment:

What if: Joseph had never been sold into slavery by his brothers? 
Then:  He probably would have lived the rest of his life, arguing with his brothers in the land of Canaan and died along with his family, when the worldwide famine hit years later.

What if: Joseph had never been subjected to the continual advances of his new master's wife?  What if she had left him alone after he refused her the first time?   
Then:  He probably would have remained in the service of his master, never entering the king's household and becoming the most powerful person, besides Pharaoh, in all of Egypt. 

What if: Joseph had never spent any time in prison? What if he had been released, as soon as he was incarcerated?  
Then:  He probably wouldn't have been as familiar with people groups other than his own and the Egyptians.  Like it was, Joseph was surrounded by people - probably from other countries, with different languages, different cultures, different beliefs.  There were probably dignitaries from other countries there - possibly even kings - and Joseph, being in charge, probably got a world-wide education, simply from sitting with the men in the belly of a prison. 

What if:  Joseph had become bitter in the midst of his hardships, instead of keeping his eyes on what God was doing?
Then:  He would have ceased to be a usable vessel.  He wouldn't have learned what he needed to know in order to save thousands upon thousands of people from starvation.  He wouldn't have had the favor of God upon his life, so much so, that everyone around him saw that "God was with him." (Gen. 29:2) 

What if:   Joseph hadn't chosen to see past the bitterness of the plan, into its beauty? 
Then:  Life for Joseph would have become a looking back - a bitter wondering "what if" life, characterized by defeat and sadness. 

What if? 

What if God is doing something in the middle of your prison today that you can't see?  What if He's using the very people who have mistreated you, to bring you into a life of joy and fulfillment that you wouldn't have otherwise?  What if your imprisonment is the very thing that not only draws you closer to Him, but becomes the very thing that draws others to Him through you?  

What if: What Satan means for evil in your life, God means for good? (Gen. 50:20).    

What if...

God help me today to see into your plan.  Help me to look past how I "feel" at this moment and choose to learn the invaluable things You are teaching me in the midst of this journey.  Thank You for my "prison," Lord.  Thank You for the things I am learning in the midst of my time spent there.  Change my heart to reflect Your heart to those around me.  I love You, Lord.  

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