Monday, August 11, 2014

Out of Sight - Out of Mind...Really?

Walking into the bathroom this morning, I noticed a small, crumbed piece of paper at the back of the trash can, wedged next to the wall.  I'm sure you don't have those stray pieces of paper in your  home...but I do.  I looked at it and had a conversation with myself.  One side of me thought it would be best to go ahead, bend down and pick up the trash.  However, the other side conversed with my old joints and decided I could bend down and get it later.  After all, it was early morning, and my body really wasn't awake yet.  

I casually glanced away, pretending that I could trick myself into believing that the paper didn't exist.  And for the most part, it worked.  I walked out and the aggravating piece of trash disappeared from my memory.  Out of sight - out of mind. 

That is, until I returned to that room and "the thing" stood out like a sore thumb.  It was still there.  No Magic Bathroom Fairy had come and removed it.  My bathroom was still unclean. 

"What's the big deal," you might ask, "It's not like the piece of paper is going to multiply.  It's not going to morph into some creature and attack you when you enter the room."  That is true.  It is JUST a single piece of dirty paper littering the floor.  Hardly anyone can see it...but I know it's there.  I see it every time I return, thinking to myself, "I really need to pick that up."  I know the bathroom is not truly clean, unless that piece of paper somehow finds its way into the trashcan.

So, obviously, there IS a problem.  That small, dirty little piece of paper has changed the way I feel about myself and my bathroom.   And the silly thing is, all it would take for my confidence in myself to change and my bathroom to be truly clean would be simply the effort it takes to bend down, pick up the paper and put it where it belongs.  My guilt would be gone and my bathroom clean. 

That's a lot like our sin, isn't it?  We come to God during our quiet times and as He prods us to confess that "little thing" - to pick it up and throw it into the trashcan - we turn away and pretend the sin isn't there.  After all, it's not much  It's not a BIG sin.  It's a little white lie or a worry issue or our tendency to gossip about others.  It's not really that bad.  It just makes us uncomfortable to look at.  We don't want to dwell on it, so we pretend it's not there.  Sadly, in turn, we forfeit being freed and cleansed. 

I John 4:9 is a verse used many times when witnessing to non-believers.  However, it was actually written to Christians...yes, Christians:  "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."   

Just like bending down and picking up that stray piece of paper - it's not hard to confess. We just have to acknowledge the sin is really there and agree with God that we did something wrong - something against Him.  Then, we can enter our relationship time with the Father, without guilt or remorse or the pretense that everything is okay. 

Jesus wants freedom in your relationship with Him today.  He wants you to come boldly and joyfully into His presence and be free to walk with Him and talk with Him.  He wants you to be pure and blameless, with no shame in your fellowship with your Father. 

So let's stop pretending today.   Let's stop ignoring the sins that hold our heart captive - the sins that dirty our conscience and mind.  Let's confess before the Father the supposed hidden things that we don't want to have to acknowledge.  Let's confess those things that no one else sees, but that bring guilt.  Let's confess them and be cleansed,  so that today, you and I can walk freely into the presence of our Father, with freedom and great joy. 

I confess, Jesus, that I am in need of cleansing  Dig deep into the hidden parts of my heart and spread light onto the things of darkness that I have chosen to ignore or try to hide from You.  Help me confess them and then live freely in my relationship with You.  Amen. 

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