Monday, October 27, 2014

Love Demands More

Sometimes, you just feel like giving up, don't you?  You have invested time and energy in someone special to you, and it all seems for naught.  You're stressed.  They're stressed. And you have no idea what to do next.  You have expended all your options and energy trying to help them, but they just don't want the help.  

I decided a long time ago, though, that even when I FEEL like giving up, I just can't.  I CAN'T!  Maybe it's the fear of someone asking me, "Why did you give up on me?  Why didn't you keep loving me, even in my mess?"  I would rather die a thousand deaths than hear those devastating words come across someone's lips. 

That doesn't mean the feeling isn't there.  Oh, there have been many times that I have felt like "throwing in the proverbial towel," but love demands more.  Love demands faithfulness, where no faithfulness is exhibited. 

II Timothy 2:13 is a beautiful picture of this:  If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Who He is, (NLT).  It is not in God's nature, nor within His ability, to give up on me.  I am His child.  Period.  I can figuratively (of course) spit in His face, disregard His careful instruction, push against His will and walk away.  And yet, because He is God, and He remains faithful to His kids, He must remain by my side.

Now, that doesn't mean discipline and tough love are not part of the relationship.  It just means, I always have Him.  I am never alone.  I can always cast aside my sin at any moment and as the Prodigal Son, come home to my waiting Father. 

So the next time you feel like giving up on someone...the next time you say in your mind, "I'm done," just take a deep breath and remember the God Who never gives up on you.  When those thoughts come, turn them into pleas of help to your Father on behalf of this one that you love.  Use the painful longings in your heart for your loved one to drive you to your knees and bring closer to your Father.  

We must do this. 

We must not give up. 

We must draw close and wait for God to work until that glorious day when the one we love turns and says:  "Thank you.  Thank you for not giving up on me.  Thank you for loving me, even in my mess." 

Thank You, Jesus, for not giving up on me, even in my mess.  I have done so much to hurt our relationship, and yet, You continue to remain faithful...for You are my God...You are my Father.  Thank You.  I praise You for Your faithfulness. 

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