Monday, November 17, 2014

The Thankfulness Default

Slower than cold syrup...that described the speed of my computer attempting to search for something the other day.  No matter what I did, my computer just searched and searched and searched.  I thought it was just an evil plot by my keyboard to torture me.  However, my computer-savvy husband eased my mind and fixed the problem by simply restoring the default settings.

If you are anything like me, your computer lingo is a little less than up-to-date, so let me explain.  A default setting is something your computer does automatically - once you tell it to do it.  For instance, if you have more than one printer attached to your computer, you can push a few buttons and tell your computer to always choose the Epson Stylus as your default printer.  That means every time you try to print something, the computer will automatically use that specific printer, unless you tell it differently.  It's a default setting. 

Now, I know it's not quite Thanksgiving yet, but I'm still thinking about it none-the-less...especially today while thinking about the default settings on my computer.  What in the world do the two have in common?  A lot, I think.  At least, I think they should.

You see, what if we made "thankfulness" our default setting?  Scripture tells us to be "thankful in all things. (I Thess. 5:18)"  It tells us over and over again that God is due our thanks for simply being good (Ps. 106:1, Ps. 107:1, etc...!).  It tells us that we are to be thankful in anxious situations, so that the peace of Christ can rule over our hearts (Phil. 4:6,7). 

Why?  What's the big deal about being thankful?  It's because thankfulness reminds us that God is in control.  It reminds us that we owe a debt to the Giver of all life.  It changes our mindset and even our heart-set in the worst of circumstances.  It brings peace, where there is none.  It separates us from the rest of humanity who don't know Him...and paints a picture of Who He is. 

Being thankful is essential in our walk.  But what does that look like in real life?  What does resetting our default system to thankfulness mean?  Well, it means that when put in a "bad" situation, we will automatically choose to look for something good and speak life into that dark place. It means every time we get angry at our kids for doing something wrong, we don't lose our tempter.  Instead of responding in a negative way, we default into being thankful that we actually have children to discipline.  It means that every time we get behind someone going slower than the speed limit, we default to thankfulness and recognize that God might be sparing our lives from a wreck up ahead.
It means that every time our houses needs to be cleaned, we just do it - instead of getting grumpy and being irritating to those around us.  We choose to be thankful that we have a house to clean.  It means that every time the electricity goes off and we miss our favorite show, we default into recognizing and being thankful that we've had electricity for a very, very long time.

No, thankfulness is not our first inclination.  Naturally, we aren't geared that way.  We are geared to complain and gripe and say that everything is bad.  However, if we are followers of Christ, we can choose to change our default setting to thankfulness.  We can choose to be thankful, because that is what is commanded by Christ.  It's our responsibility as Believers to show a world that is NOT thankful, how to BE thankful.  Set your "default setting" on thankfulness and the world will know that you are His!

Thank You, Jesus that through You, I CAN choose thankfulness.  I have SO much to be thankful for...and therefore, I choose to thank You today for my life and the way You are directing my life.  Help me today to redirect my anxiety and impatience and thankfulness.  Thank You, Lord..that You listen, when I call and that You desire to help.   

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