Saturday, September 4, 2010

Enjoy Them Now

I hear the pitter patter of little feet running through the house. This morning's been quiet, but now things are beginning to liven up as small ones and larger ones are awakening. It's the "makings" of a wonderful day - the smell of coffee brewing, the time to sit and talk with the Savior, the sounds of simple life at the Kirk house. Can't get much better than this.

I know one day when I'm older, the sound of little feet running hard and fast through the hallway won't exist - that is, unless my husband decides to simulate it for me every morning. Instead, my house will be quiet, I'll have more time to sit with my Savior and maybe a few more minutes to sip my coffee, but my house will be quiet...probably too quiet.

Mrs. Betsy Tuten, one of my favorite people in the world, told me a long time ago to enjoy my kids while they were little, because they just "grow up too fast." Mrs. Betsy, a beautiful example of the life of Christ, lived alone. Her "Tuten" was with Jesus, and her kids were grown and gone.

The "enjoy them while their little" comment came as I obviously struggled with my little ones overtaking her house during a visit one day. She shared with me that sometimes she would walk in her kid's rooms and see everything neatly tucked away - like it hadn't been touched in years. The beds were made; the pillows, put in just the right place; no toys on the floor. And she would just stand there and look and remember. Then, as if time could be erased, she'd walk into the room a little farther, and be tempted to jerk the covers off the bed and put everything "not" in its place - just so there would be signs of life in her home. "Enjoy them now...enjoy them now," she said.

She's right. I know she's right.

"They were Yours, You gave them to Me..." (John 17:6). That's the first thing I read this morning. This is Christ's prayer to the Father before His crucifixion, but I couldn't help but think, "Lord, they are Yours, You gave them to me."

I'm sad to say, the pitter patter of little feet will disappear, but they were never intended to stay little feet. They were intended to grow into bigger feet that would walk where Jesus wanted them to and run hard to Him when He calls.

My kids are His...and they will grow up...and they will find a life of their own...and they will follow after Him with their whole heart, I pray. So, I need to enjoy them now...and later, too, but especially right now while I have them. I need to remember they are His and treat them with the respect they deserve. I need to remember He gave them to me, so He will provide and He will make me who I need to be for them.

Enjoy them now, enjoy them now.

Father thank You for giving me three wonderful little people to hold on this earth for You. You gave them to Me, Father, now help me pour Your life into them. Help me love them, as You do. Help me teach them as You desire. Thank You. Thank You for the reminder to enjoy them...enjoy them now.

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